Montpellier: 6000 euros fine claimed from a student whose identity has been usurped

by time news

For more than a year and a half, Léa has been trying to put an end to an identity theft that is ruining her life. This 20-year-old student who lives in Montpellier, in the Hérault, is regularly the victim of a usurper who has a habit of defrauding the SNCF since August 2021, reports the local daily Midi Libre.

“This person uses my identity to travel without paying by train in the south of France, essentially”, she explains to the daily. Courses “quite close” to those she regularly follows, “that’s why I think she’s a person who must, in one way or another, be part of my entourage, even distant “, she supposes.

Fines of 300 euros which multiply

At each control without a ticket from the usurper, she gives the name and surname of the student from Montpellier, who then receives the fine. A merry-go-round that figures quickly: “To date, by accumulating all the fines, the Public Treasury is asking me for the sum of 6000 euros. Since July 1, 2022, I have received at my personal address 35 fines of 144 euros which are, each time, increased to 300 euros. It is untenable! confides the young woman. Despite two complaints filed, a letter to the public prosecutor and another to the SNCF mediator, Léa’s situation has not changed.

She escapes for the moment the payment of the fines, because “fortunately until now, the dates on which the fines were drawn up corresponded to periods during which I was in progress or in training”, but asks that measures be taken to prevent the fraudster from continuing. Contacted by Midi Libre, the SNCF claims to “seize the problem and implement actions to solve the problem, as quickly as possible”.

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