Parts of the car of about €20 and that can cause breakdowns of 8,000

by time news

Strange noises, unidentified odors, smoke that has changed color or warning lights indicate that something is wrong with our car. They are small warning signs what to pay attention tosince on many occasions avoiding going through the workshop to repair a small repair can have irreversible consequences for our vehicle.

More than 3.5 million vehicles suffer some type of breakdown throughout the year, according to the GIPA study that analyzes the situation of the automotive market.

Throughout the life of a car different breakdowns appear, some more painful and others cheaper. And sometimes the person responsible is a small piece that it can cost what a rod or the 20 euros of a book, but that, if its pertinent maintenance is not done, can cause a very serious breakdown.

The crankcase plug, the tire valve, the temperature sensor, the windshield wipers or the spark plugs are components with a cost of less than 20 euros, but if any of them breaks down, we will have to go to the workshop urgently to avoid ‘evils’. greater’.

According to Euromaster, the first example is the crankcase plug washer. With a cost of between 0.50 cents and 1 euro, it must be replaced at each oil change. However, if this replacement is done by an individual and not a professional and is done in the wrong way, it can lead to a big problem: from loosening to breaking completely, which means the partial or total loss of oil. And it is that in addition to the environmental problem that means the drop in the “vehicle’s blood”, we can get the engine flu, a breakdown that can reach 4,000 euros if second-hand parts are used; 8,000 euros, if the engine is new.

And it is that maintaining the good health of the “heart” of the car is essential. Therefore, if an unusual rise in engine temperature is perceived, it is important to go to the workshop urgently. In many cases, the culprit is the temperature sensor, at a “ridiculous” cost between 15 and 20 euros. However, if the part is not replaced, the impeller will continue to work at high temperatures and, sooner or later, it will end up breaking.

Another component to watch are the spark plugs, as long as the car has them. With an average price of 10 to 20 euros per unit, it is not a spectacular failure but, in many cases, it is synonymous with a call to the crane, since the vehicle cannot continue the march or jerks constantly. Depending on the manufacturer, its change is recommended between 50,000 and 90,000 kilometers traveled.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account, and not only for maintenance but also for road safety, the tire valves. From Euromaster they are always replaced at each tire change but, unfortunately, it is not always the usual trend. Otherwise, its deterioration can lead to a blowout of the wheel and, therefore, suffer a possible accident. Its unit price does not exceed 2.5 euros; 3.5 for conventional valves.

Finally, a “forgotten” item is the windshield wipers. In addition to being a point to review in the ITV, their poor condition supposes a situation of extreme risk in rainy or snowy conditions. With a cost that starts at 15 euros, it is vital to change them if the rubbers are cracked or the first signs of wear are perceived. And there is nothing more expensive than having an accident.

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