How to avoid injury or damage when moving on a scooter

by time news

Beyond the fines, if we are regular users of electric scooters, we must watch out for one more aspect: physical injuries. People who use this vehicle may feel that their body suffers, as it requires balance, coordination and a little resistance. And it is that in three years, there have been more than 1,300 incidents with someone injured. Therefore, it is important to take into account a series of tips to avoid possible injuries or damage when moving on a scooter.

First, warm up beforealthough it may seem silly. You have to maintain the same position for a certain time, which can lead to cramps or discomfort if the muscles are not warmed up beforehand. The ideal is to walk a little and move the joints before using it to make sure that the body is ready for the physical effort that the trip entails, they point out from Cleverea.

They also point to take care of the posture during the march. It is important to go relaxed, avoid going tense so as not to have back pain or muscle cramps. The best thing to do is to keep both feet firmly attached to the base of the skate and keep your knees slightly bent. As for the hands, you must avoid squeezing the handlebars with force, since it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. They must be relaxed on the handlebars, in order to also be able to react more quickly than if we have them stuck.

Watch the posture when loading and moving it. Skates can weigh up to 50 kilos, so they are not light at all. If you have to take it down the stairs at home or store it and take it out of the trunk of the car, you have to be very careful. When lifting it, we must keep our back straight and help our knees to go up; the effort should not fall on the back. Similarly, if you have to carry it for a certain distance, we must try to balance the weight. To do this, you have to hold it in the middle area, in order to distribute the weight as well as possible.

we must also avoid putting down your foot abruptly when we stop the scooter. The inertia we come with can damage our leg muscles or ligaments. The best thing is to slow down little by little and, gently, stop it and already put your foot on the ground.

Finally, wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Undoubtedly, a key piece of advice to avoid foot injuries. For example, heels are unstable and can cause us to sprain an ankle when getting on and off the scooter. At the same time, a garment that hinders our mobility also reduces our reaction time; if something were to happen, we would slow down and be unable to protect ourselves adequately. Therefore, the trick is to leave the heels and tight clothes in the backpack.

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