A significant merger: Attorney Zvi Agmon joins the Tulchinsky office

by time news

A significant merger in the legal market: Agmon & Co., Rosenberg HaCohen & Co. merges with Tolcinski Marciano Cohen Levitsky. The merged office will have about 180 lawyers.

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Agmon’s office has about 140 lawyers, and is currently the 15th largest in Israel and after the merger, it will be the 13th largest in Israel. The firm deals with all areas of civil-commercial law, represents corporations and individuals in complex legal proceedings on a huge scale and is involved in the largest deals in the Israeli economy. Among the areas of expertise of the firm: litigation, securities, corporations and the capital market, mergers and acquisitions, energy including electricity and renewable energies, construction planning, real estate, banking and more.

Tolchinsky’s office has about 40 lawyers and deals with accompanying corporations and commercial transactions, venture capital funds in the fields of high-tech and biotech, mergers and acquisitions, and more. In addition, the firm represents insurance companies and specializes in real estate and labor law.

The merger expands and establishes the activities of the offices in the commercial fields and in the fields of high-tech and technology.

Attorney Zvi Agmon, founding partner of the Agmon firm, said: “The merger between the firms is natural. It was made against the background of uncompromising values ​​and professionalism of both offices and will lead to significant strengthening in many areas. The changes that have taken place in recent years in the labor market in general, and in the lawyer market in particular, require expansion, growth and renewal.”

Attorney Menachem Tulchinsky (Tuli), founding partner of the Tulchinsky firm Marciano Cohen Levitsky, said: “Our personal and professional connection with the members of the Agmon firm ensures that the human uniqueness of both firms will be preserved in the merged firm, along with professional leadership In all the many fields we will deal with.”

Disappearance of medium-sized offices

The trend of mergers between law firms has in recent years led to the disappearance of medium-sized firms that connect to large firms or split between different firms. The changes are stirring against the background of the concept that business continuity requires change and joining the offices that provide a “One Stop Shop” and a variety of services for employees and customers, and that the size will be beneficial both for attracting quality personnel and for large customers.

In recent years, many medium-sized firms have been swallowed up by the big ones: the Hamburger Evron firm merged with Erdinset Ben Natan Tolidano, the S. Friedman firm became a member of Efraim Abramson, the Fischer law firm merged the Zeev Hollander firm, and the Eitan Mahoul firm, which disbanded and its lawyers split between Fischer, Gornicki and Schitz Brands emir.

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