Surrender or you will be subject to the decision of the army

by time news

Sergey Lavrov (Photo: Shutterstock)

More than ten months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and despite and perhaps because of the relative failure, Moscow is trying to send more threats to Kiev. The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said yesterday (Monday), that Ukraine must submit to Russian demands and will not be subject to the decisions of the Russian military.

“Our demands for demobilization and de-Nazification of the territories under our control, the destruction of the threats to Russia’s security, including in the new territories, are well known to the enemy. The point is clear and simple: fulfill them for your own good. Otherwise, it will be up to the decision of the Russian military,” Lavrov said when he actually No matter what the current situation is, the Russian army has difficulty dealing with the Ukrainian defense and continues to bomb the Ukrainian cities indiscriminately.

The Russian threat comes precisely against the background of calls for an end to the war and for negotiations between the parties, to which the Ukrainians are currently opposed, who are now striving for the full liberation of all the territories that Russia occupied from Ukraine, including the Crimean peninsula.

The assessment in the world now is that the war is expected to continue in the coming months, this is due to the large gaps between the parties and Ukraine’s unwillingness to give up territories. The Ukrainians fear that the West will force them to end the fighting before achieving these goals, so they are already preparing for a military attack on the territories occupied by the Russians even before sitting down to the discussion table.

The Ukrainians hope to soon capture the city of Carmina, which is considered a critical city in the further fighting, and the Ukrainian army is already on the outskirts of the city. The Ukrainians are trying to conquer more cities including Svotovo and Stroblsk which will join the city of Lyman which has already been conquered by the Ukrainians.

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