Erik Orsenna and the choice of words

by time news

An “immortal” to put words to the end of life. This is the mission entrusted by the deputy ministers Agnès Firmin Le Bodo and Olivier Véran to the academician Erik Orsenna. To take up this challenge, the writer surrounded himself with a ” Expert Group “meeting for the first time on December 12, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, avenue Duquesne, in Paris.

Among the nine members are sociologists such as Noëlle Châtelet, author of The Last Lesson (1), story inspired by the voluntary death of his mother, and Philippe Bataille, from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences. The working group also includes four scientists: Franck Chauvin, president of the High Council for Public Health; the psychologist and psychoanalyst Françoise Ellien; Alexandra Fourcade, doctor and elected representative of Hauts-de-Seine; Marc Magnet, palliative care specialist in Lyon.

“The end of life, finitude, death have become taboo subjects”

Two jurists are added to the list: Martine Lombard, emeritus professor of public law and author of The Last Request (2), a vibrant plea for the legalization of euthanasia, and François Stasse, State Councilor and former director general of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris. Finally, the group has appointed as spokesperson Elsa Walter, 33, volunteer support in an oncology department of a Parisian hospital and author of To you I can tell (3), account of his encounters with the dying and their loved ones.

“The end of life, finitude, death have become taboo subjects. Our task is to find the right and simple words so that everyone can reclaim these realities without being afraid of them anymore.she summarizes for The cross.

“What is medical assistance in dying? What is the difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide? Why do we talk about palliative care? The need to have a shared lexicon, a common language so that these subjects can be debated, in an enlightened way, by the whole of society is obvious”supports Giovanna Marsico, director of the National Center for Palliative and End-of-Life Care.

“From semantic shift to manipulation, there is only one step”

The initiative still arouses skepticism in some ranks. Thus, Alliance Vita warns against the promotion of “screen words” pour “hiding the reality of euthanasia and assisted suicide”. “To challenge the word without excluding the gesture would be to confuse the debate. From semantic shift to manipulation, there is only one step”warns the “pro-life” association.

Same question from the lawyer and anti-euthanasia activist Erwan Le Morhedec. “What exactly is the roadmap of this umpteenth committee, several of whose members are declared euthanasia activists like Noëlle Châtelet, Martine Lombard or Philippe Bataille? Is it a question of finding the words to better pass a change of law? », he worries.

To judge, we will have to wait until the end of February, when Erik Orsenna and his college of experts will submit the result of their cogitations to Agnès Firmin Le Bodo. “For now, everything remains to be donerecognizes Elsa Walter. The next meeting, scheduled for January 6, will be an opportunity to set, in concrete terms, the working method for moving forward. »

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