Identity card and passport: a site offers faster appointments

by time news

A new platform has been put online to facilitate appointments for identity documents at the town hall, says “Le Parisien”.


Thanks to a new site put online at the end of November by the French administration, it is now possible to shorten the time required to obtain a passport or an identity card.  (illustrative image)
Thanks to a new site put online at the end of November by the French administration, it is now possible to shorten the time required to obtain a passport or an identity card. (illustrative image)

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C’is a platform that will break cold sweats for many French people. As reported The Parisian, the National Agency for Secured Titles has just launched a new site that makes it easier to find a slot to file your first application or a renewal of a passport or identity card in the town halls of France. Put online at the end of November, removes a thorn from the side of citizens as they approach their trip or the expiry of their identity document.

Concretely, the platform allows French people to view, for the next three months, all the appointments available within a geographical radius of between 0 and 60 kilometers. To use it, they must also indicate their reason for the appointment (passport or CNI), the number of people applying and their location.

Once the slot has been chosen, the applicant is automatically redirected to the site of the town hall concerned to make an appointment online. In recent months, the French administration has been widely criticized for delays in obtaining a passport or identity card, which reached 90 days last spring. Before dropping to 50 days in October thanks to an investment of around ten million euros granted by the public authorities. With this new site, the State is ultimately aiming for a maximum of 30 days.

READ ALSOBut why does everything take so long in France?

Fourteen million requests in 2023

But the situation should take time to improve, underline our colleagues. According to the latest government figures dating from November, 9 million French people renewed or obtained their identity papers in 2022. But this share of the population should drastically increase next year since 14 million French people are expected in the town halls for an appointment, according to forecasts. Proof that there is still a long way to go before meeting the expectations of citizens as well as possible.

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