Today’s plague – ADHD and recommended treatment options – Ashkelon website

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Today’s epidemic – ADHD and recommended treatment options

The corona epidemic has indeed affected our lives and changed the world in an unprecedented way, but in the world and in Israel you can find more from the period before the corona, and also long after, other and also common types of problems that can be called “epidemics”. One of the main candidates here is the ADHD family, which in many respects is the true plague of the era in which we live.

ADHD disrupts the lives of many millions of people all over the world, and a significant percentage of the Israeli population as well. These situations are mainly common and problematic among children and teenagers. Varied, effective and recommended treatment options available today in Israel can help almost any child or teenager successfully deal with the condition they are suffering from.

ADHD and their impact on life at young ages

It is important to clarify that “ADHD” is a relatively general name for a common phenomenon that consists of many different conditions, different types of attention and concentration disorders suffered by adults or young people, while also among children and teenagers the range of types of disorders they suffer from is relatively wide and diverse.

What is common to attention and concentration problems of various types is the fact that they result in damage to the quality of life and the disruption of normal daily conduct. In some cases, the problem will be particularly pronounced At school and studies, in other cases precisely in social life and creating new relationships, or alternatively in a completely different part of life. In each of the cases, a treatment that will help to deal better with the situation and mitigate the negative effects as much as possible (in many cases the situation improves significantly and even disappears completely or becomes a non-problematic part of the daily routine) exists and is available. You just have to find him and bring the child to him, in order for them to receive the accompaniment, assistance and support they need.

Recommended treatment options for ADHD

The available treatment options for ADHD are many and varied as well, for obvious reasons – as mentioned, different children/teenagers suffer from different types of disorders, and therefore need different types of treatments. Even in the case of two children suffering from the same type of attention deficit disorder, many times the treatment that is most suitable for one of them will not necessarily be the one that is suitable for the other. The treatment must be adapted both to the type of disorder and to that specific child.

Among the most relevant treatment options for many children and teenagers suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be listed Different types of emotional therapy for children. This can be in the form of dynamic psychotherapy in which play is used to establish contact with the child’s inner world, cognitive behavioral therapy in which they work on changing habits of thought and behavior that play a central role in a specific problem or symptom the child suffers from, and/or dyadic therapy that also combines the parents at meetings. In any case, the treatment usually also includes one or another type of parental guidance, in order to work together with them on the ways in which they can help the child themselves during the daily routine, even after leaving the clinic.

It is important not to despair and to raise your head – effective treatment exists and is available. You just need to find the type of treatment and the therapist that is most suitable specifically for your child.

Ashkelon – the daily website of Ashkelon on the Internet

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Ashkelon – the daily website of Ashkelon on the Internet

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