The prize for the overthrow of the government: Idit Silman was appointed as minister

by time news

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Knesset member Idit Silman, whose name is credited with the overthrow of the Bennett-Lapid government, was appointed as a minister in the sixth Netanyahu government. Silman, the only one from the previous coalition who will also be in the current coalition – will be the Minister of Environmental Protection.

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Prior to Silman’s appointment, Knesset member Miki Zohar was appointed Minister of Culture and Sports.

Earlier this evening, Netanyahu announced that he had decided to appoint MK Miri Regev to the position of Minister of Transportation in the new government, as well as Ofir Akunis as Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology.

For both of them, it is a return to the position they have held in the past. Regev served as Minister of Transportation in the 35th government from May 2020 to June 2021, and Aconis served as Minister of Science and Technology in the 34th and 35th governments, with a total of 4 and a half years in office – from September 2015 to May 2020.

Following the appointment, Regev said that she “thanks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for trusting me to return to the office that I requested. An office that affects all the citizens of the State of Israel on a daily basis, an office with complex transportation challenges that require the continuation of the reforms I started. Also to continue my membership in the political and security cabinet.

She further added: “Proud and happy that the Prime Minister tasked me with leading the events of the 75th anniversary of the country, including the beacon ceremony, which I had the privilege of returning to the people. With God’s help, we will succeed.” Regev will also return to the committee for ceremonies and symbols and a photo, among other things, for the production of the traditional beacon ceremony.

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Along with Regev and Akunis, so far the roles of 9 members of the Likud Knesset have been decided. The first to be elected is Amir Ohana, who will be appointed as the new Speaker of the Knesset – in place of his rival Levin, who resigned from the post to serve as Minister of Justice. Later, Netanyahu announced that Yoav Galant will be appointed as Minister of Defense, Haim Katz will be appointed as Minister of Tourism, and Yoav Kish will be appointed as Minister of Education and also as Liaison Minister between the Knesset and the Government .

It was also said that Yuli Edelstein will assume the chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, and Ofir Katz will serve as the chairman of the coalition.

Earlier this evening it was reported that MK Avi Dichner was appointed to the position of Minister of Agriculture in the new government. This is a surprising appointment, as Dichter was expected to receive a more security position while Amichai Shikli was expected to receive the portfolio of agriculture. Later Netanyahu informed that MK Shlomo Karai was appointed to the position Minister of Communications.

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