“Crucial role of guaranteed funds to businesses”

by time news

“The data emerging from the SME Guarantee Fund Report released today testify, once more, to the extent of the phenomenon and the crucial role that, in this pandemic phase more than ever, the funds made available to businesses play“. He tells the time.news on general secretary of Unisin Confsal Emilio Contrasto, in commenting on the report edited by Mediocredito Centrale in collaboration with Svimez.

“The mechanism of the state guarantee on the loans disbursed – he adds – guarantees the success of concrete support operations for the real economy, limiting the risk of not being able to access credit for businesses in phases in which the temptation of the credit crunch even for banks is strong, ensuring solvency and also minimizing the burden on public accounts “.

“Another element of strong attention – continues Contrasto – must necessarily also be the territorial distribution of these loans: even if they are mostly provided in the north of the country, that part of our society and economy that most require support is not neglected, such as the South but also central Italy, characterized by an economy, often family-based, which still represents it today. the social framework of those territories “, continues the general secretary of Unisin Confsal, who believes” it is necessary to continue in this direction, with the fundamental role of banks and the credit system “.

“In this sense – continues Contrasto – it should be remembered the great commitment of all the credit workers who in recent months have continued to operate without interruption and with great self-denial, despite the pandemic, to make territories and businesses available and families all the support tools introduced by the government from time to time, often taking on all the deficiencies and regulatory and communication inadequacies which, as is well known, in many cases were extremely serious “, he concludes.

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