History: MK Amir Ohana was elected the first gay speaker of the Knesset

by time news

Historical appointment: MK Amir Ohana (Likud) was elected today (Thursday) to the position of Speaker of the 25th Knesset. His appointment was approved by a majority of 63 MKs who supported his candidacy in a vote in the Knesset plenum. Ohana will be the first Knesset speaker from the LGBT community and therefore this is a historic appointment for the gay community.

In his first speech in office, Ohana emphasized that “this Knesset, led by this Speaker, will not harm them or any child or family – N-K-W-D-H. And if there is a boy or girl watching the swearing-in here today, know that it doesn’t matter who you are or From where you are in the power to go wherever you want.”

As I recall, Ohana’s candidacy for the position was confirmed yesterday at the Likud faction meeting, the first held since the elections. Since then, Netanyahu has begun distributing positions and portfolios to Likud members, and now with the appointment of Ohana to the position of Speaker of the Knesset, one of the significant appointments has officially come into effect.

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Ohana began his first speech as Speaker of the Knesset: “Seven years and exactly one day ago, excited, I entered the Knesset plenary hall for the first time to deliver my debut speech as a member of the Knesset here from the podium next to me. Even then Shmuel, the Knesset usher, accompanied me. Thanks Shmuel.

“I was chosen then against all odds, after all, I did not grow into a political life path. I was born and raised in Be’er Sheva to Moroccan parents, I enlisted and served twelve years in the IDF and the Shin Bet, during the second intifada. I completed my law studies, specialized in the prosecution and worked as a lawyer. In between I met my partner, Alon – that everything that is mine – is ours.

“And here you have just elected me – elected representatives of Israel – to the high and binding position of Speaker of the Knesset, head of the legislative authority – the authority that represents all the citizens of Israel – Jews, Arabs, Druze, Circassians, secular, religious, ultra-Orthodox, Mizrahim, Ashkenazim Straight people, LGBT people, and in short all the citizens of Israel, I thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. I pledge to do my best to be worthy of the trust you have placed in me.

“In these seven years, we have gone through, together with Israeli politics and together with the entire State of Israel – a shaky journey full of upheavals. The last few years have been characterized by political instability, which unfortunately has greatly affected the atmosphere – here in this house and outside. You can say that we have fallen in love with democracy so much that we have No less than five election campaigns in three years. But thank God, this is how it seems, for the first time in years – the electorate in Israel has made up its mind and had its say.

“The news of stability is great news for all the citizens of Israel, and also for all the members of this House. Stability is a vital elixir for running a country – and all the citizens of Israel will be blessed with it, even those who did not vote for the coalition established today.

“The Knesset of Israel, as important as it is, is not the sovereign. Neither is the government. Certainly not the judicial system. The sovereign is the people. The people are the sovereign. And the people – in its various parts – delegated its sovereignty to the members and members of this house. This is the democratic move. And we, members and friends The Knesset – we will come to the public once in a while and ask – and we will accept or not accept their trust. This is the essence of democracy.

“May the Lord light our way and we will be able to restore the old crown, strengthen the status of this house and bring it to its glory days, coalition and opposition alike. The task will not be easy, we have known here in recent years and are full of upheavals and actions that will not be remembered in the annals of history as the glory of Israeli democracy.
Fierce debates will continue to accompany this parliament – I hope we know how to manage them the right way and leave the hatreds behind.

“This Knesset is the home of all the citizens of Israel. It is the true fortress of human rights and individual freedom. Along with things we agree on, we hear very controversial things here. Really outrageous. But this is the place to discuss the most painful and sensitive issues and make decisions. This – and no Other.

“On a personal note, I would like to thank the prime minister-designate for the great trust he placed in me when he proposed my candidacy for the position and to you members of the Knesset for electing me. So, seven years and a day ago, I had the honor of being the first member of the Knesset in the history of the country – as far as I was able to check – who congratulated him after his inaugural speech He was not a veteran MK or a minister, but the prime minister himself. Since then we have come a long way together – and in the future we will go further. Thank you Prime Minister.

“My parents, Esther and Shimon Ohana, who I have already mentioned, are here with me. We recently visited Morocco together, where you, my parents, were born. I saw the poverty and poverty in which you grew up. The crumbling clay houses in the remote villages. The poor and small house where you slept crowded, mother.

“You told me, father, how you would shamefully take the remains of pencils that other children who were better off would throw away, so that you too would have pencils. You told me how you would make sandals out of used tires and threads. You told me how hungry you were. You were orphaned by your father, Shlomo, peace be upon him, When you were two years old. You immigrated to Israel, and served the country both in the IDF and in the Nuclear Research Agency, where you were one of its first employees.

“And from the place where you grew – you, my parents, grew into a family. You brought Galit, Dror and me into the world. From all of us, you were blessed with grandchildren, and in the future you will also be blessed with great-grandchildren. And how happy I am, father, that today, when you will soon be 88 years old, you are here with us, getting to celebrate this sublime moment together with mother.

“Thank you for everything you have given me throughout my life, a value and moral charge that will accompany me forever. Thank you for raising me and allowing me to reach where I have arrived and be the way I am. Simple as that. I wish I learned from you to be a good parent for my children as you were for me. And you are with me Alon, the other half of my life for a little more than 18 years – my anchor, the wise and the good, and our beloved children Ella and David.

Ohana emphasized: “This Knesset, led by this Speaker, will not harm them or any child or family – N-K-W-D-H. And if there is a boy or girl watching the swearing-in here today, know that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, you can get anywhere you want.”

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