Right-wing government? A closed military area order was imposed on Ramat Magron

by time news

A police officer with a closed military area order

A few hours after the establishment of the right-wing government (in full), the Mageb forces raided Ramat Magron hill in Binyamin a little while ago, and imposed a closed military area order on the hill signed by the commander of the IOS division, Brigadier General Avi Belot.

The policemen who arrived today presented an order to a closed military area, according to which from this moment the stay here stops and anyone found may be arrested.

The order was signed at 3:00 p.m., that is, before the establishment of the government, and the police arrived at approximately 9:00 p.m., five hours after the swearing-in. The date on the order is incorrect. According to the Hebrew date it is A. Battevet – meaning Sunday, while the foreign date is December 29 – today.

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One of the evacuees (who is filming the video with an MGB officer) is Elisha Yarad, the spokesman for MK Limor Son Har Melech from Otzma Yehudit.

A military area order is closed in Ramat Magron

In addition, the police attacked the families’ homes on the hill and threatened the residents that if they did not vacate their homes within a few minutes, they would be taken to the police station. Families live there, one of the women is pregnant, and one gave birth a few days ago.

In Ramat Magron they say that “this evening’s police raid joins a series of raids that took place last week on the nearby Oz Zion hill, during which police officers broke into the homes of the families and forcibly evicted the women and children from the hill.

Three families currently live in each of the hills, along with a core of boys who are involved in the development of the place and raise flocks of sheep for the purpose of maintaining the surrounding areas.”

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