Hundreds of thousands of NIS of the money changer from Mea Shearim were forgotten in the taxi

by time news

A bag containing hundreds of thousands of shekels, which belongs to a money changer in Mea Shearim, was forgotten in a taxi | Within a few hours, thanks to the activity of police investigators, the money was returned to its owner The full story

After hours of worry – the drama came to an end: Reuven (“Ruba”) Kreuzer, one of the well-known money changers in the Mea Shearim neighborhood, almost lost hundreds of thousands of shekels today. Thanks to the quick action of the police investigators, the money was recovered within a few hours.

The unusual story happened today (Thursday) at noon, when Kreuzer, who was on his way from the bank to his change shop, discovered that a bag containing about NIS 300,000 had been forgotten in the taxi he was traveling in. Kreuzer and his assistant acted quickly and approached the heart of the capital police station. The two gave the investigators the information they had, which helped in locating the details of the taxi driver, a resident of East Jerusalem.

As soon as the information was handed over to the police, the investigators of the Israel Defense Forces (Citizen Service Center), Major Aviya Marhouzi and Major Kelly Terzi, began quick and professional operations to locate the taxi driver and after a conversation between them, the driver came straight to the police station and returned the money bag.

Photo: Police Spokesperson.

The commander of the Lev HaBira station in the Jerusalem district, Police Chief Shlomi Tobul, stated that “vigilance and quick reporting of the incident at the police station, along with professional investigators who acted quickly to locate the taxi driver, are the ones who at the end of the day brought a large amount of money back to their owners and a happy ending In the story”.

“A case like this illustrates how important cooperation is, the immediacy of reporting, and the feeling that there is someone you can trust to carry out all the actions professionally for the residents of the city of Jerusalem, wherever they are, as the two investigators did and acted in this case today, and as all the police officers of the Jerusalem district act every hour.” , added Chief of Staff Tobul.

The owner of the coin thanked the police and said: “We thank the Israel Police from the bottom of our hearts, and in particular the investigator Abia Marhouzi, who went out of her way to help us get the money back. We have no doubt that without her kind help, the money might not have returned to us.”

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