Pandian Stores actress who changed her route to cinema! A variety of photos of Morton dressed up

by time news

Pandyan Stores occupies a special place among the people as Mullai Mullai At present, Morton is wearing a belt.

Pandian Stores Serial

In popular television serials Pandian Stores Serial Takes first place.

Due to the cinema-like scenes and the realistic acting of the characters, Pattithotti has become popular all over the world.

Following this, Mullai’s character is seen as the most popular character among the people. VJ Chitra is the main reason for this.

Celebrity turned new moolah

After his death, Kavya Indumani played the role of Mullai.

He left the small screen saying that when people accept him as a mullah, there will be trouble.

After this Kavya completed her studies as an architect due to her intense focus on her studies and has now graduated.

Following this, it has been reported that she is acting as a heroine in some Tamil films.

Pandian Stores actress who changed her route to cinema!  Mixed Photos of Morton Dress |  Kavya Indumani S Morton Dress Photo

Kavya looks like a golden chariot in a marten dress

Although he has left the small screen, he is always active on social media.

But now Morton in costume She shared the glowing photo on her social media page.

Seeing this, netizens are posting comments that it looks like a wax statue.


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