Covid-19 in China: Spain in turn restores controls for travelers

by time news

After Italy, a second country in the European Union is taking action. The Spanish government announced on Friday the establishment of “checks” in its airports for travelers coming from China to ensure that they were not carriers of the Covid-19 virus, in the face of the resurgence of cases in the country.

During a brief press conference in Madrid, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, indicated that these travelers would be asked “for proof that they are negative (…) or a complete vaccination schedule “.

Asked about the date of entry into force of this measure, the minister did not however indicate a precise date. It will be “before the increase in flights” from China, she said, as quoted by RTVE. The reopening of the Chinese borders and therefore the increase in the number of flights must take place on January 8.

The possibility of new variants worries

“The main reason for concern is (…) the possibility that new uncontrolled variants may appear in China,” said Carolina Darias. She also insisted that Spain was working on “the convening of a high-level meeting of the European Union” in order to develop “an integrated political response to the crisis”.

“We know the importance of acting in a coordinated manner, but also the importance of acting quickly”, continued the minister, referring to “the health situation in this country”, which had paid a heavy price during the pandemic.

“For this reason, we are going to emphasize the need to review the recommendations, to request the digital Covid certificate or the equivalent to travelers from China”, concluded the Minister of Health, specifying that Spain wanted this to be made “at European level”.

The European Union has still not taken a position

The abrupt end this month of China’s “zero Covid” policy as the country experiences an exponential rise in cases has raised concern from several countries, including the United States, which will impose, from January 5, entry restrictions for Chinese travelers (one negative test within 48 hours). Japan, Malaysia and India have also taken similar steps.

On the side of the Twenty-Seven, a meeting took place in Brussels on Thursday morning, but no measure has yet been announced by the European authorities. The purpose of the meeting was to prevent Member States from going it alone as in 2020 and to provide a “coordinated” response at European level. For the moment, it is clear that some States have preferred to resort to national measures themselves.

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