VIDEO. Death of Pele. Brazilians pay tribute to the greatest soccer player of all time

by time news

In front of the hospital in which “Rei” Pelé has just breathed his last in Sao Paulo, their eyes are red and they support each other by their shoulders. Brazilians mourn their idol, their national hero. “The King never dies” says Thiago. In the streets of the country, the people testify to the importance of Pelé for them and for the whole world. “He leaves a great legacy, a very good legacy for Brazil,” explains Ana Cristina.

In the streets of Sao Paulo, luminous tributes are projected on the buildings. While the Maracana stadium lights up for the one who thrilled generations of supporters. In Rio de Janeiro, the mythical Christ the Redeemer was lit up in the colors of Brazil. “It’s not only to remember the star he was and who now rests up there, but also to honor the Brazilian people, reminding them of all the joys he gave,” explains Pablo Cardoso, projection manager.

His funeral will be held in Santos on Tuesday, with a 24-hour wake around his city’s stadium. Watch our video at the top of the article.

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