An already spread toast from Mercadona? The innocent that has not been funny to users | Big Bang

by time news

Mercadona It is usually a common target for users of social networks. From the lovers of that invention known as the ‘cruapan’, which was so successful on TikTok; even the criticisms and surprises aroused by the famous pre-cooked fried eggs that turned on many customers and nutritionists. But the chain does not stop surprising and now they have returned to the charge with another incendiary product: the toast already spread.O…no.

it all started with the publication on Twitter by Mario Sánchez Rosagro, food technologist and scientific disseminator. The expert uploaded a post on April Fool’s Day in which he showed an image holding a container containing toast spread with cheese and jam and labeled “Ready to eat.”

“Mercadona’s ALREADY SPREADED TOAST is a reality. Finally! I was fed up with having to turn on the toaster every morning and open my jam,” wrote the popularizer, while ironically: “I have no words to describe so much emotion. We are first and foremost a milestone in food science and technology”.

His tweet, of course, did not go unnoticed by the followers, who soon responded with complete astonishment or with more irony and humor. “As a child I thought that in the future we would have flying cars but what the hell. Between this and grilled eggs, we’re making the world a better place.“, posted one.

Continuing in the line of humor, there are tweeters who have blamed this ‘dish’ (to call it somehow) to a product intended for Generation Z. While others share the idea that she is an innocent from the supermarket itself.

Marcadona’s spread on toast: Innocent or reality?

The original idea of ​​the already spread toast of the chain owned by Juan Roig does not belong to Sánchez Rosagro, but, as he himself has indicated in networks, to the Specialist in strategic marketing Juan Viñas.

He was the first to spread this pre-cooked dish and attribute it to Mercadona through a publication from his LinkedIn profile. “The new product is a resounding success judging by the state of shortages on the shelves. His spokesperson confirms it: “Three years from now, no one will spread toast at home”“, the message started.

In his publication, Viñas highlights with obvious irony the investment in “R&D development” that has required the already spread toast and adds: “The product was designed for the broad #target of elderly consumers, “who show more and more fatigue, even for spreading””.

In his post, the marketing expert insists on the idea that it is a product created ad hoc for young people included in Generation Z. “Honestly, the only drawback I see is that we have to come to the store to get it. You’ll see when you can order it on Just Eat!”recreates Viñas in his article.

To conclude the message, which has already gone viral on social networks, Juan Viñas ends with a wink: “You have all day today to share this news. Tomorrow is late”.

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