Holidays 2023: how to use credit cards abroad

by time news

The summer season is approaching, time of Vacations and rest for many who choose a international destination. Others, perhaps, embark on new work or study paths that take them far from Argentina, whatever the case, it is important to keep in mind certain recommendations from specialists for an intelligent use of the Credit and debit cards.

Although it is not the most advisable option due to the costs involvedemergency situations may arise that make it necessary withdraw money from ATMs in other country. So it is essential to know how cards operate abroad to use bank accounts without unpleasant surprises.

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Check-ups before traveling: authorization, password and consultation of limits

First of all, Argentine travelers should take into account that it will be necessary enable credit cards with whom they want to operate. To be able to use them at any ATM abroad, you will have to request authorization from the issuer of each card.

Cards can be used with certain limits availableFor this reason, it is also advisable, in order to plan usage and expenses, to consult the limits through the home-banking service or by contacting the different banks directly.

Likewise, it should be remembered that to carry out extraction operations abroad, it will be necessary to use the same key that is used in ATMs in Argentina and have a savings account set up in dollars.

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Withdrawal availability and maximum amounts

Those who make a travel abroad They should know that they can withdraw cash at any ATM outside the country, both with a credit or debit card, as long as there is a balance in dollars in the bank account.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the full withdrawal limit at ATMs will vary depending on the authorization given to each user by the bank issuing the card and the amount withdrawn will be converted to official dollar the day the withdrawal is made. In addition, it must be considered that the parity with the dollar that is taken into account is that of the currency in the place of destination.

Regarding the limit for each operation, the maximum amount allowed is 700 dollars. It should be noted that this is the limit even in cases where the user has enabled a withdrawal limit higher than that figure to operate at ATMs within Argentina. Therefore, it must be taken into account that this amount will be, without exception, the maximum amount that can be withdrawn.

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In addition, according to current regulations, in neighboring countries the amount to be withdrawn as an “advance” cannot exceed USD 50 per day. In the case of the rest of the countries, the maximum amount is USD 200.

The withdrawals enabled will only be from the balance in dollars

A very important point that the operators of the financial system insist on clarifying and that must be kept in mind when organizing the trip and planning consumption: withdrawals can only be made from the available balance in dollars. It will not be allowed to withdraw money that the user has in the account in pesos.

Specifically, regardless of whether there is a balance in pesos, the only cash withdrawal operations outside the country are from accounts with a balance in dollars. This responds to a regulation emanating from the BCRA that prohibits the withdrawal of dollars or other foreign currency from an ATM outside the country, against the balance of an account in pesos.

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Costs per operation: fixed charge or commission

One of the reasons why the use of cards for withdrawals abroad is not recommended, except for last-minute contingencies, is precisely the cost that that entails. Specialists advise checking with each bank, since some apply a fixed charge for the use of the service for each withdrawal regardless of the amount withdrawn, while others use a commission system for which they charge a percentage of the amount withdrawn.

At the international level, the fixed charges they vary between USD 1.5 to USD 3.5 per operation while the commission percentages vary between 0.5% to 3% on each amount extracted.

Las Credit cards enabled can be used to make purchases in all types of businesses, and at the end of the summary you can view the consumption plus the corresponding taxes. In the same way, authorized cards can be used to withdraw money from ATMs, but in this case the operation will be reflected in the summary as a consumption in dollars to which a nominal interest rate of 83% per year is applied.

Payment of consumption by card abroad

Los consumption They can be paid voluntarily, between the closing date and the expiration date of the card, or wait for the expiration date and proceed with the cancellation.

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In the first option, if the user chooses to make a proactive and voluntary payment before the expiration date, the quote will be guaranteed because the dollar values ​​of the day the payment is made are taken. It will also be possible to pay for the consumption of pesos with pesos and the consumption of dollars with the dollars that are in the account.

If you choose pay with pesos, all consumption both in pesos and in dollars, the debt in dollars will be pesified taking the current price on the date of payment. It should be remembered that in case the total consumption exceeds USD 300, the tourist dollar or Qatar dollar will be taken: value of the official dollar plus 30% of the COUNTRY Tax, 45% for perception of Income Tax and 25% on account of Personal Property.

The second payment option is to cancel the debt on the expiration date of the card, in which case the consumption in dollars will be pesified according to the price on the expiration date.


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