Last straight line before the separation of Unédic and AGS

by time news

Posted 30 Dec. 2022 at 15:10

A few more months and the reorganization of Unédic will be a settled affair. The joint association which manages the unemployment insurance scheme will separate from the 220 employees in charge of the operational management of the Guaranteed Salary Insurance (AGS), the employers’ scheme which covers the remuneration of failing companies. The transfer must start from 1is july.

At the dawn of a reform of its governance with a possible supervision by Parliament, the perimeter of Unédic will then be limited to its only historical missions, without it being known yet how they will evolve.

This split project is the culmination of a serious crisis revealed between 2018 and the end of 2019 by the Court of Auditors and the firm E & Y. Their reports brought to light serious dysfunctions – with the filing of complaints as a result – within the Unédic AGS (DUA) delegation. At the same time as a takeover of the management of this entity, historically housed within Unédic, the Medef pushed for a pure and simple separation, to better clarify the roles.

Potentially explosive judicial score

After months of skirmishes between the employers and the CFDT, on the one hand, in favor of the split, and the unions which are opposed to it (FO and CGT), a deadline for the transfer of DUA employees had been set. adopted during a Unédic board meeting last June. A method agreement followed at the end of November framing, in addition to the negotiation of the terms of this transfer, that of future relations with the AGS (Unédic will remain the central banker of the AGS, a little like the Urssaf national fund, ex -ACOSS, vis-à-vis the regional entities).

In the background of these great maneuvers is played a potentially explosive legal score. After a preliminary investigation, a judge was appointed to investigate the complaints from Medef, CPME, Unédic and AGS. It is, according to our information, Vincent Lemonier, stationed at the Paris court. What is being played out in his office is to shed light on the suspicions of wrongdoing by the former DUA management team.

Beyond that, it is a question of verifying the practices of certain legal representatives. While the profession as a whole suffers from a bad reputation, these firms were suspected at the time of the filing of the complaint at the end of 2019 of aggravated breach of trust, forgery and use of forgery and concealment of breach of trust worsen. As a first-rank creditor, the new management of the AGS and the Medef wondered about the low rate of recovery of the sums it advanced for certain recovery or liquidation files.

The surveys then conducted by the firm Advolis Orfis had revealed damages of 15 million euros. Clearly, this money would have been used for something other than paying salaries, through inflated fees for example, when certain files were closed while there was still money in the coffers. At the time, president of the AGS, Serge Petiot believed that this was only the tip of the iceberg.

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