Not having authorization for school transportation or insurance, the most common offenses on buses

by time news

Not having special authorization to carry out school transport or not having subscribed unlimited liability insurance are some of the most frequent in coaches. These are two of the conclusions after the special control campaign carried out between the 12th and the 16th of December from the DGT to vehicles dedicated to school transport and minors in order to verify that they comply with the regulations established for this type of transport.

In the five days that the campaign lasted, a total of 2,962 vehicles were controlled by the agents of the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard, of which 1,136, 38%, were reported, with a total of 1,937 complaints made. The percentage remains relatively stable if we take into account the results of the latest specific campaigns on this sector that have been carried out in recent years.

Administrative irregularities are the ones that have generated the greatest number of complaints, including 753 for not having special authorization to carry out school transport and 304 for not have taken out liability insurance unlimited, as required by law.

The positive part of the data is found in the fact that none of the school transport drivers checked during the campaign tested positive for the alcohol preventive controls carried out by the agents, although 3 of them did apply to other drugs, and only one was penalized for breaking the established speed limits.

Regarding the use of seat belts in those vehicles that have them incorporated, in the inspections carried out by the agents it was verified that in only 3 of the vehicles that had these restraint systems they were not used due to presenting anomalies in their functioning.

Other infractions

The agents of the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard have also verified that 106 school transport vehicles presented deficiencies in the service and emergency doors, as well as in their activation devices and another 22 were denounced. for not having the Technical Inspection of Vehicles up to date.

As regards the mandatory signage that this type of vehicle must carry, 76 of the controlled vehicles did not carry the corresponding V-10 sign for school transport and another 19 lacked the light device with an emergency signal.

In addition, 31 drivers were denounced for not having a person in charge of caring for them on board the bus. the minors when appropriate and another 12 due to excessive driving time or reduced rest time.

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