college yellow in Idaho unleashes America –

by time news
Of Viviana Mazza

He will be transferred and tried for premeditated murder. Crime has shocked the United States, with accusations and theories of all kinds chasing each other on the net

The Monroe County, Pennsylvania Police has 28-year-old Bryan Christopher Kohberger arrested for themurder of four students in a small town in Idahooccurred
on November 13th. The alleged killer, who has been denied bail, is in custody awaiting transfer to Idaho, where he will face a premeditated murder trial.

Kohberger, scrive la Cnnstate identified thanks to DNA and his car, a white Hyundai that had been spotted near the crime scene.
He had a master’s degree in criminology and was studying for a doctorate in the same discipline. At the time of the master he had published on Reddit a request addressed to a group of ex-convicts, asking for help for a research project whose purpose was understand how emotions and psychological traits influence decisions when committing a crimewith a particular emphasis on the thoughts and feelings one experiences during a crime. Kohberger attended Washington State University, which is located in Pullman, Wash., but is only 10 miles from Moscow. The authorities have not revealed numerous details, including the motive that brought the 28-year-old to the home of the victims, explaining that they must be kept secret to ensure his conviction. Even the murder weapona large blade, not found.
But there is a sense of relief in the community that, after the crime, had been abandoned by many students who had continued with the authorization of the university to take lessons from home.

The four students — Madison Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin — were stabbed in their beds between 3 and 4 a.m. at the home they rented to attend college in Moscow, Idaho. The victims had returned home around 1.45. 21-year-old Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves had been in a bar, the camera of a shop caught them with a boy heading to the truck-bar where they ordered a portion of pasta and joked with some peers before taking a taxi home. The other two victims, 20-year-olds Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin, had spent the evening at a frat house. They were stabbed to death in two different rooms, on the first and second floors: a couple defended themselves according to the signs found by the forensics. Only around noon did the police receive a call, from the phone of one of two other roommates — Dylan Mortesen and Bethany Funke — who had survived in their room on the ground floor.

At first, police speculated it was a crime of passion, but then backtracked, saying they didn’t know if it was targeted. The 6 local detectives, 13 state and 62 FBI agents involved in the case have received 19,000 alleged tips (by email, by telephone, and through the website) and the governor of Idaho has invested a million dollars in the investigation.
On Reddit, YouTube and social media, the seemingly insoluble puzzle had captivated tens of thousands more
including numerous do-it-yourself detectives not always sensitive to the pain of families.
Social media had not waited and had tried alleged suspects, including boyfriends (and exes) of the victims, up to the abuse. Between 2.26 and 2.52, Kaylee had called her ex-boyfriend Jack ten times from her cell phone and from that of her friend Madison: Jack was one of the first targets on the Net. It did not matter that the girl’s family members insisted on the innocence of the young man: They were taking a break but he was the love of her life.

Then three weeks ago the decisive clue emerged: There had been noise complaints at a house across the street that night; a policeman went to see and from the examination of the bodycam footage of him visible in the background a white Hyundai Elantra built between 2011 and 2013, also captured by the camera of a nearby gas station. Investigators got to Kohberger, identifying him as the owner of a white Hyundai. The FBI monitored him for four days before proceeding with the arrest at 3 am on Friday, January 30, at his parents’ home.

Now the authorities are asking anyone who knows him to communicate information about him. A friend from his high school days, Nick Mcloughlin, 26, told the Daily Beast website that Kohberger started out as down-to-earth and overweight, but in the last year he’d gotten skinny and aggressive.. His new hobby was boxing, he always wanted to punch someone, he became a bully. Nick explained that they stopped dating when he hit on his girlfriend. It was around this time that Bryan Kohberger would begin taking criminology classes, thinking he wanted to be a cop.

December 27, 2022 (change December 31, 2022 | 04:01)

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