In South Tyrol you can know in advance the vaccine that is administered –

by time news

BOLZANO. The South Tyrolean health authority has decided to communicate to the citizens (by giving notice on its website which vaccine will be administered on a given day and at which vaccination center. It starts on Friday 16th April. “This will allow the citizen and the citizen to see which vaccine is intended already at the time of booking – says the health authority – however, it will not be possible to choose between the different vaccines”.

The goal is maximum transparency: “We want to prevent people from showing up for the vaccination appointment and then reject it because they would like to be vaccinated with a different vaccine. For organizational and technical reasons, information on the type of vaccine cannot be given at the time of telephone or online booking, but it can be provided through the Healthcare Company’s vaccination platform. “

Finally, an invitation to “all people who can already receive a vaccination to join this opportunity, because the risk of suffering a serious disease course in the event of Covid 19 infection is much higher than the risk of a side effect”.

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