Orit Struck revealed: the meeting with Rabbi Druckman that decided the fate of the government

by time news

Orit Struck says goodbye to Rabbi Druckman: The newly appointed Minister for National Missions, who was particularly close to Rabbi Druckman, was interviewed this weekend by Hodiya Harish Hazoni in a first-hand account and told about her close relationship with the rabbi, the last and difficult days and the meeting with the rabbi where the fate of the previous government was finally decided.

The rabbi’s last days: “a difficult experience”

“I grew up in his home,” said Minister Struck, “since the conversion of my youth. I found myself in the last days moving a lot on the line to the hospital, I was in contact with the family and prayed a lot for his safety. It was a difficult experience for me to see him, such a powerful person in this situation , and outside everything runs and flies.”

“Those days in the hospital,” Struck continued, reminiscing about the rabbi, “brought back 45 years of memories for me. A bit like when I accompanied my parents near the end of their lives, you think about the things that happened – exciting things, difficult things, everything suddenly floats away.”

The fateful meeting at the rabbi’s house

When asked by Harish Hazoni, did she talk to Rabbi Druckman about the meeting he held with Mansor Abbas in the days before the establishment of the previous government, Struck revealed that “I was at the fateful yeshiva at the rabbi’s house, together with Bezalel Smotrich and a large group of rabbis, where it was decided that in no way do we go with bad people “Since the topic came up and was discussed, I participated to the best of my ability.”

Rabbi Druckman ztzel Photo: Yeshiva HaKotel

“I feel obligated to be his successor in the Knesset”

Strock also shared an emotional moment she had with the rabbi, when she received his blessing as a candidate in the primaries for the party. “I came to him to receive a blessing, and he gave something I didn’t expect to receive,” says Strock. Rabbi Mastaver filmed a video in which he tells everyone: “Orit Struck must be in the next Knesset. We don’t worry about matters that are dear and sacred to us – there is almost no one who can represent these things with more zeal, strength, faith and dedication than Orit Struck.”

“I think it was his will towards me out of nowhere, it’s true that in all my public activities I acted under his authority, but now I feel that he gave me a clear directive in full, I feel obligated to that, to be his successor in the Knesset.”

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