Gemini – Annual Benefit – 2023

by time news

From 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023

Mrigaseersam 3,4 feet, Tiruvadhirai, Punarbhusam up to 1, 2, 3 feet.

(Also for those with first letters of name: Ka, Ka, Ki, Ku, Nga, Sa, Ke, Ko)

Saturn in the ninth place gives rise

Gemini lovers!

You who have been stuck in the grip of Ashtamath Saturn till now will have a break in this new year. Shani will leave and give happiness. Improves health and invigorates. There is transit of planetary positions in such a way that one can immediately do what one has in mind. Additionally Guru transit and Rahu-Ketu transit will provide benefits. You will increase the basic facilities. Profits will come. It is better to choose and worship deities that have been studied by Disaputhi to get more benefits.

New Year planetary position

At the beginning of the New Year, your Rasinathan Mercury transits in the seventh house in conjunction with the Sakaya Sthanathipati Sun. Rahu is in 11th and Ketu is in 5th. Mars, the lord of 6th and 11th, is debilitated and in Vraya Sthana. Shani in the Ashtama and Guru in the 10th gain strength. Sukra, the erstwhile saintly ruler, is conjoined with Saturn. New Year begins in such a situation.

As Guru’s vision is recorded in 2nd, 4th and 6th places, those Adipadhyams are sanctified. It will give you benefits. The vision of the Guru has the power to transform evil results into pure results. So cash flow is satisfactory. Family progress will increase. Good things will increase. Mother’s health will improve. There is yoga for buying house and vehicle. Optional job available. New partners in the industry are welcome. Couples who used to work in different places due to work, now have the opportunity to work in the same place. The issue of partition will be in your favor. Your work will get importance at work place.

Aquarius – Saturn transit

On 29.3.2023 Lord Saturn transits Aquarius in the 3rd pada of Avitam. Saturn enters Capricorn in Vakra movement on 24.8.2023 and returns to Aquarius on 20.12.2023. In between, transiting Saturn in Aquarius and Capricorn in vakra movement will bring good changes. Since Saturn is not only the Ashta lord of your sign but also the Lord of Purva Punnyam, all the yogas that you should get as a result of Purva Punnyam will come to you. Saturn transiting in the ninth house is astrologically canonical for a bright future. Economic growth is satisfactory. You will get rid of scarcity and come forward to do many good things.

Aries – Guru Sancharam

On 22.4.2023 Lord Guru will transit to Aries in the first pada of Ashuvati Nakshatra. His vision is placed in 3rd, 5th and 7th places. Seeing guru will get more benefit. It is yoga for the guru to roam especially in the lapa sthanam. As Guru is aspected in the 3rd house, there will be growth upon growth. Income will rise. You will get success in the things you try. The flatterers will depart. Siblings are supportive. A collapsing economy will return to normal.

As Guru’s aspect is placed in 5th house, Purva Puniya Sthana is strengthened. Therefore the villangas in the native’s property will be removed. Success in new endeavors. You will get proper distribution of ancestral property and expand it. Joint efforts will be beneficial. Inflows to cover liquid savings. It will lead to permanent income. Prolonged illness will disappear. Get love and support from parents.

Home life will be pleasant as Guru is aspected in 7th house. For those who are barred from marriage, a good groom will come. Enmity with younger brother will change. An unfulfilled attempt to go abroad will now come to fruition. Additional responsibilities will come to those in politics and public life. You will take some important decisions considering the academic progress of your children.

Rahu-Ketu transit

On 8.10.2023 Revathi Nakshatra 4th pada Rahu transits in Pisces and Chitrai Nakshatra 2nd pada Virgo transits Ketu. Rahu, which was transiting in the 11th house, now moves to the 10th house. So you will act with speed and discretion. Business will prosper. Gain courage and self-confidence. New contracts will arrive. Incumbents may get leadership positions with support from superiors.

Ketu transiting in 4th house can cause health problems. You or your family members may suffer from digestive disorders, skin diseases etc. It is better to seek medical advice early. Even if there is interference from enemies in business, you have the power to overcome it. Mother’s health needs attention. In order to get the expected results during such times, it is better to do the appropriate remedy for Rahu-Kethus on the day of gaining Yoga power.

Time to act with caution

Mars-Saturn aspect occurs 4 times in this year. A lot of attention is needed at this time. Whatever you do, others will complain. There will be less peace in the family. Cash crisis will increase. Nothing can be done by trusting newcomers. Children can also develop problems. A job may be done twice per day. Health problems and medical expenses can create anxiety.

Devotional worship

Worship Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi from Ekadasi Vrat. Worshiping Perumal at Ariyakudi near Karaikudi will increase wealth.

Saturn and Guru Vakra period

From 27.6.2023 to 23.8.2023, Saturn transits in Aquarius and from 24.8.2023 to 23.10.2023 in Capricorn. Saturn is lord of 8th and 9th house in your horoscope. Getting Ashtamathipati Vakram is beneficial. However, since he is also the lord of the 9th, great vigilance is required during the Vakra period. Obstacles and delays in business will increase. Enmity will arise in the workplace. No matter how much good they do to others, they will not show gratitude. Whatever you do, this is the time to think and pray.

From 12.9.2023 to 19.12.2023, Guru gets Vakram in Aries. Guru is the lord of 7th and 10th house in your horoscope. A planet afflicted with Kendradhipadhya dosha is a benefic. There will be progress in business during this period. Expected pleasant change in job. Auspicious things like marriage will come. You will be interested in buying new vehicles. Even things that have not happened for a long time now happen quickly.

Benefits for women

This new year is going to bring great benefits. Health will be stable and happiness. Relatives who have moved away want a spouse. Success in new endeavors. Economic status will rise. Transit of Saturn is favourable. You will get success in the things you touch. Rahu-Ketu transit gives good fortune. Subhavirayas also increase when Guru comes in Ashtam. Get proper distribution of ancestral property. However it is good to perform snake worship. Salary hike and benefits available.

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