Kosovo: The Kosovan interior minister raises allegations against Serbia

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Jelal SvechlaKosovan interior minister raises serious allegations against Serbia

Despite the removal of the road blockades, the situation in Kosovo remains difficult. Interior Minister Xhelal Sveçla raises allegations against Serbia.

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The Kosovan Minister of the Interior, Xhelal Sveçla, has raised serious allegations against neighboring Serbia.

20min/Luca la Rocca

The tensions of the past few days are solely the fault of the Serbs.

The tensions of the past few days are solely the fault of the Serbs.

20min/Luca la Rocca

The Serbian ambassador in Bern, Goran Bradic, who gave an interview last week for 20 minutes, sees things differently.

The Serbian ambassador in Bern, Goran Bradic, who gave an interview last week for 20 minutes, sees things differently.

20min/Matthias Spicher

That’s what it’s about

  • Road blockades and the mobilization of Serbian troops have increased tension in Kosovo in recent weeks.

  • Shortly before the New Year, the Serbian President promised to dismantle the blockades, which at least partially happened.

  • 20 Minutes met the Kosovan Minister of the Interior for an interview in the northern Kosovan city of Mitrovica.

  • He believes that there will soon be new provocations from Serbia – he raises allegations against the neighboring country and its president.

Die Situation im Kosovo eased somewhat in the days leading up to the New Year after Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić announced that around a dozen roadblocks would be cleared. The Kosovar Interior Minister Xhelal Sveçla has 20 minutes at the police station in the northern Kosovar city Mitrovica met for an interview.

Do you expect new provocations from Serbia against Kosovo?

We are convinced that the provocations by Serbia towards the state of Kosovo will not stop. We have seen a mix of various destabilizing actions in the four northern municipalities over the past few days under the direct influence of the Serbian state and President Vucic.

What actions are you talking about?

The influence came in the form of mobilization, funding and logistical support. In addition, there were the Serbian armed forces, which were placed at the border as a threat. Certainly there was also influence from Russia as well as from the criminal organizations in the region, which for years have misused North Kosovo as a transshipment point for trade goods, drugs and even people and have been able to make enormous profits. All of these factors have combined to destabilize not only northern Kosovo but the entire country.

How did the blockades break down?

It is we who are now insisting on law and order, on democratic values ​​and on a state that serves all residents equally. With the help of our partners, we have also managed to bring about a de-escalation, but based on past experience this is undoubtedly only temporary.

Did you expect Serbia to invade Kosovo?

We were and are concerned, but by no means scared. Analysis of the situation is based on existing facts and reason. But unreasonable scenarios cannot be completely ruled out. We are currently witnessing a war in Europe in which a despot has pursued dark goals for Ukraine and the region, crossing red lines that until recently seemed unimaginable.

Would you like international parties to be more involved in resolving the North Kosovo conflict?

Let us be clear: Serbia is not a party to internal affairs in Kosovo, but at most an aggressor. Serbia is a party only in the discussion about the normalization of relations between the two countries. Only the Kosovo authorities are competent in matters concerning the internal organization of Kosovo. This is done in partnership and in cooperation with the international community.

What do you wish for Kosovo?

I wish that Kosovo would only have neighbors with democratic countries. That would make working together much easier. Unfortunately, this is not the case with regard to Serbia. There is a lack of democracy in domestic politics there, and there is a lack of freedom of expression in the press. Kosovar politicians who belong to the Serbian ethnic group are also maltreated at the border or on Serbian territory. In the case of Serbia, we are dealing with a government that wants a totalitarian society that is constantly intensifying its relations with Russia and that hopes this will keep it in power and prosper.

How do you guarantee the security of the Serb minority in Kosovo?

We know that our citizens in northern Kosovo do not have it easy. Because they are under constant physical, psychological and financial pressure from criminal organizations controlled by Belgrade. But also by various criminal organizations from the region. On the other hand, we offer the rule of law instruments that strive to provide security for all residents. It is the criminal organizations that strive to repress the local population and especially independent and righteous voices. I am convinced that law and order will soon triumph there too.

The interview took place on December 30th at the police station in Mitrovica.

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