Matan Kahana against Silman: I hope it will be checked by the police

by time news

Knitted news01.01.23 23:09 H in Tevet Tishpag

Matan Kahana against Silman: I hope it will be checked by

(Photo: Oren Ben Hakon / Flash90)

Member of Knesset Matan Kahana from the state camp, commented on not being invited to the appointment ceremony of Michael Malchiali as Minister of Religions, saying that it was a technical procedure.

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In an interview with radio 103FM, Kahana said: “I was not invited to the ceremony, but there is a side of truth – in the end I was not a serving minister and there is no serving minister, so they held a ceremony for the minister’s inauguration. If it was a slightly more stately event, I think it would have been appropriate to invite me, but That’s not the point here. Everyone has their own style.”

Kahana commented on the fact that he shook Netanyahu’s hand at the swearing-in of the government and hung his picture in his office: “I shook his hand and told him, ‘Good luck, Mr. Prime Minister.’ From whoever is holding the position at any given moment. Because they behaved in a shameful and disgraceful way, we should behave like them? I mean to be a tough opposition to this government that in my view they are going to do inappropriate things, but there are still public office bearers here and we have to respect the position and the person who does him, even if we oppose him.”

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Regarding the appointment of a former member of his party, Eidit Silman, as minister, Kahane said: “I hope that this matter will be investigated by the police. This incident must be investigated unequivocally, there is no dilemma here. All the evidence is laid on the floor. I appreciate that when Netanyahu asked himself who is worthy To be a minister out of the 32 members of the Knesset in Likud, she did not jump first in line. I leave that to the legal authorities.”

When asked if he was still in touch with former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, he replied: “Certainly, he has been my friend for 32 years. He is perfectly fine. I believe in his way, of togetherness, of this partnership between religious and secular, center-left-right people who agree on most things and they have to determine the way the state of Israel is going. I really want the ultra-Orthodox as part of Israeli society, but we can’t let them determine important things for us here. They simply can’t.”

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