Weekly horoscope from January 2nd: This is how your stars are this week | life & knowledge

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Monday means start of the week!

A look at the starry sky reveals a lot and can make your whole week easier. what does that hold Weekly horoscope ready for you: A fateful encounter, a lot of money or just stress at work?

Read your horoscope here Star sign for the week of January 2nd to January 8th!

Zodiac sign Aries (21.3. to 20.4.)

Of the Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a warlike pioneer. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

It may be winter, but for single people it feels like spring: Mars and Venus ensure sexy vibes, you are desired and love to flirt.

Couples feel it too: there is understanding for each other. Forging common plans for the future is favoured.

Work & Finance

The planets push your career this week. Your image will be improved, you will radiate a new power of persuasion, you will be lucky with product presentations. Even innovative ideas come with ease. But financial issues need more attention. Mercury warn: Enthusiasm is good, but major purchases should be carefully considered.

Fitness & Feeling

Power Mars and lucky planet Jupiter give you a fitness boost. You like to spend your time in the fresh air. Long walks are ideal. You’re also seen more often in the fitness center. This week it’s action, action, action!

Zodiac sign Taurus (21.4. to 20.5.)

Of the Trails is a child of Venus and stands for luxury for all the senses. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

As a single you experience a dreamy phase. You think about love more often, but in reality you hold back. You start flirting online, but it’s still a long time before the real date. Forgiven exchange long and profound. Mutual understanding is at a high level: they are a well-rehearsed team.

Work & Finance

Sun and Mercury improve your decision-making at work and in financial matters. Her interest lies entirely in the large, far-reaching projects. Investments are also doing well this week. They scent bargains faster than others.

Fitness & Feeling

Mercury and the Sun give you strength and support you in harmonizing mind and body. Get everything done in good time so that you can focus on wellness and relaxation in the evening. A non-alcoholic time does you go, as does light fare.

Zodiac Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

★ The twin is the inexhaustible source of ideas of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus and Mars push your flirting skills, whether online or live, there are more likes and matches. It tingles intensely when someone is taken: erotic vibes are in the air.

Work & Finance

Fast and dedicated, that’s how you work at the moment. Creative and imaginative projects are particularly favored. They focus on awareness and sustainability. Just keep the same mindfulness about money: you are prone to luxury these days.

Fitness & Feeling

You have a lot of aggressiveness and are in full possession of your strength. You can set yourself higher goals in sports, because Mars gives you more power than usual.

Zodiac Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

★ The Krebs is the master of emotions in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Where is your ambition for flirting? Emotionally it means for you this week: hibernation. As a single you enjoy your independence. Couples are a little tense this week. On January 6th, however, the full moon in Cancer will make you feel good.

Work & Finance

A long leash is good for you at work. More freedom ensures that your tasks are processed quickly. You are doing well financially, you just lack the courage to dare to invest.

Fitness & Feeling

Spiritual concerns, spirituality and meditation are favored this week. You let yourself go and relax deeply. You are fast asleep. The holiday fun doesn’t stop there: you can take more of everything.

Zodiac sign Leo (23.7. to 23.8.)

★ The Lion is the sun child and king of all zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Couples have a wonderful time chatting to each other. Loyalty, consistency and everyday life are the big themes this week: Everything is good, only romance is a little neglected. As a single you feel an openness to new contacts. But pay more attention to whether your fans keep their promises…

Work & Finance

There are no tasks too complicated for you. Time pressure and stress don’t bother you, because you organize brilliantly. Financial matters and negotiations are also favored. Important discussions with the right people ensure that you make a difference.

Fitness & Feeling

The year begins with an increased interest in a health-conscious lifestyle. You already know intuitively what is good for you, give it your all in sports and hold back a little when it comes to beautiful things. This detox is welcomed by Jupiter and Mars.

Zodiac sign Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)

★ Die Virgo is known for her changeable perfectionism. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Are you single but would rather not be? Patience! Stay in a good mood, open and communicative. Something could be coming soon. Couples work as a team this week. Just make sure to accept each other’s little quirks. It’s hard to change another person.

Work & Finance

In your job you ensure feasible solutions and clear structures. You are aware of what is asked. They work reliably. You act financially wisely: You use offers where they really bring advantages.

Fitness & Feeling

They are known to value responsible living. You master fitness, nutrition and relaxation with ease. You are also mentally alert: tricky tasks are solved quickly.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

★ Die scale is the zodiac sign of beauty. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Not everyone has that temperament and inventiveness when it comes to flirting: you do. Mars and Venus goad you and you take initiative. You are in top form. Loved ones spice up the love life and are willing to experiment during sex.

Work & Finance

At work, attack. You are motivated, but do not like working in a team, but long for freedom with your tasks. Be careful when it comes to finances: You are too loose with your money. Mercury and Jupiter show that you are living beyond your means.

Fitness & Feeling

Fitness is going well. Mars supplies you with power and optimism: you develop more self-confidence and a new calmness. You also show commitment in everyday life, but keep an eye on your free time and pleasure. They also treat themselves to something nice, but remain very health-conscious.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

★ The Scorpio is the seductively enigmatic sign of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

► Love & Friends

Couples, it could get restless: Venus runs across, there is a lack of romance. Rely on loving gestures and sensitivity. Your relationship will thank you. Singles, on the other hand, are interested in several candidates. Can you pick the right one?

Work & Finance

You will not miss good opportunities: be it a luxury bargain or a cheap electricity provider. You get more out of it. They follow up, collect information and move forward. Keep it up!

Fitness & Feeling

You are calm. Mercury and Sun calm you down and take the pressure off of everything. So you can really relax. In your free time, you only do what you enjoy: heteronomy is a thing of the past.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11. to 21.12.)

★ The Protect is the lucky one among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

What a great Venusian charisma! Singles flirt intensively, collect likes and matches online. For the time being, however, there will be no live action. Couples are cheerful, loyal, and enduring. This week is all about romance and tenderness, not sex toys and experimentation.

Work & Finance

You enjoy creative work. This is how your most brilliant ideas come about. You develop a good relationship with colleagues. But they spend a lot of money on beautiful things. Be sure to be a little stingy.

Fitness & Feeling

The Jupiter-Venus combination provides a lot of charisma and confidence. Now it’s all about the outward appearance: you take care of yourself, let yourself be pampered. There is not much energy left for sport. A light workout is still possible.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12. to 20.1.)

★ The Capricorn is the careerist among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

The Sun and Mercury in Capricorn are pushing things forward. As a single you make new contacts everywhere. You want to experience it all, flirt with all the sexy people you come across. Loved ones show the partner: More momentum and variety are also desirable in the relationship.

Work & Finance

Sensitivity and team spirit are the order of the day this week. You bear responsibility effortlessly, your vision is valued by your employer. Mercury provides the best financial aspects. Get more out of your money: make the best use of bargains and offers.

Fitness & Feeling

Mercury and the Sun have a positive influence on your condition. Body and soul are in harmony. Autogenic training, meditation and yoga are a good way to start the year with a work-life balance motto. You appreciate sufficient rest and distance: you need me-time.

Zodiac sign Aquarius (21.1. to 19.2.)

★ The Aquarius is the eccentric in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Mars and Venus push you: As a single you are looking for a partner, all you need is the one person who gets under your skin. But that’s still to come: you’re currently a great seducer. For couples, the focus is on eroticism. Rarely has sex been so hot.

Work & Finance

You are excellent with money. Venus provides perks and lucrative offers. You also show what you can do on the job. Because you are so friendly and creative, others are happy to recognize your talents. It’s also going well for freelancers.

Fitness & Feeling

Mars gives you a dose of power. You regenerate so quickly that not even strenuous training can keep you from giving it your all the next day.

Zodiac sign Pisces (20.2. to 20.3.)

★ Die fish are the dreamy seducers among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Being single is now intensely flirting. You feel like hot eroticism and tingling hours in bed. But it’s better to check out your applicants thoroughly before it gets too much, because you don’t have time for half measures. Couples are stable, although Mars creates some tense moments.

Work & Finance

You are making progress: Mercury supports your eloquence. You appear fluent in business. You have your financial advantages in view. Contract signatures and applications are favored and have savings potential.

Fitness & Feeling

You need rest after Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Mars challenges you. In everyday life, therefore, it is better to leave time for your tasks. Meditation and sleep work best for you. This is how you gain new strength.

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