“Who could have predicted the climate crisis?” : Emmanuel Macron’s sentence has disappointed many scientists

by time news

It was written that the President of the Republic would not satisfy the opposition leaders for his speech on December 31. That it annoys part of the scientific world, much less. This is, however, what has happened since the wishes addressed to the French on the evening of December 31.

If Emmanuel Macron has long recalled his attachment to the “value of work”, while the pension reform is coming very soon, it is of course on the climate that the presidential words have clashed. “Who could have predicted the wave of inflation thus triggered?, he launched Saturday evening. Or the climate crisis with spectacular effects again this summer in our country? “. As if a climate crisis were as much a surprise as an economic crisis or a health crisis.

These words have obviously been the subject of strong criticism within the political class. Emmanuel Macron “seemed totally disconnected to us, both from the history of our country and from the life of the French people”, judged the new boss of the ecologist party, Marine Tondelier. “Far from the story when he tells us, for example, that no one could predict the climate crisis. Scientists have been saying this for decades, IPCC report after IPCC report. It would have sufficed to read even a summary of it. Or to listen to the environmentalists whose action he prefers to criminalize, ”continued the elected representative of Hauts-de-France.

But it is within the scientific community that the words of the Head of State have most annoyed, as noted in the first place by our colleagues from the Huffington Post. Note in particular the reaction of the co-president of the number one group of the IPCC, Valérie Masson-Delmotte. She took the time on Twitter to quote Emmanuel Macron’s sentence, adding to it the conclusions of the reports which were presented in person to the Head of State on May 4.

“One of my favorite quips to poke fun at politicians”

She is far from the only one having trouble digesting this little sentence. The climatologist Christophe Cassou, who collaborated in the preparation of the 6th report of the IPCC, was much more bitter. “- Hello Jupiter, Earth here: it’s 22°C at 10 p.m., January 1, 2023 in, I repeat: 22°C at 10 p.m., January 1! And it lasts! – Who could have predicted the new climate crisis in your country? – The Giec had warned for 30 years. Didn’t you get their last reports, the 6th? »

With Franceinfo, the climatologist Jean Jouzel shares this disappointment. He says he remembers the presentation in September 2013 of the conclusions of an IPCC report to François Hollande, but also to a certain Emmanuel Macron, who was then working at the Élysée. “I could have bet that during his tenure there would be at least one year of extreme events. The surprise would be that a year like 2022 does not exist, ”he confesses, also expressing regret over the terms used.

There remains the reaction of geologist Gonéri Le Cozannet, also co-author of the latest IPCC report. “It’s funny, it’s exactly one of my favorite jokes to poke fun at politicians who live outside of reality. Asked by Le Parisien, the Élysée had not yet responded to our requests at the time of publication of this article.

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