Ireland imposes quarantine for those arriving from Italy. The EU asks for explanations

by time news – The Italian ambassador to Ireland, Paolo Serpi, protested against Dublin’s decision to quarantine citizens from Italy and four other European countries: France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria. In a video, Serpi explains that he has taken “in these days a very serious and decisive step, at the highest level, in the foreign ministry” with his colleagues from the other four nations.

“A common step because we believe that these measures are excessive and do severe, serious damage to our fellow citizens and our communities in Ireland and we cannot accept this”, added the ambassador, recalling that “in the European Union, the freedom of movement of people is sacred“.” In reality in Italy at this moment there are the same variants that are affecting Ireland “, emphasized Serpi, who defined the measures launched by Dublin as” discriminatory and selective “.” We will do our best to remedy this serious problem. problem “, assured the ambassador.

The European Commission has contacted the Irish government to ascertain on what basis it has decided to force the citizens of Italy, France, Belgium, Austria and Luxembourg to quarantine in hotels. “The Commission intends to look into these measures as there are concerns about the general principles of European law, in particular proportionality and non-discrimination,” a spokesman in Brussels told the Irish Times, “we are in contact with the Irish authorities and we will ask them for clarification on this matter e we will ask what are the criteria used to determine the designated countries“.


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