Compensation and apology live: MK Maoz threatens to sue Rani Rahab – and this is why

by time news

The chairman of the Noam party, Knesset member Avi Maoz, sent a warning letter before taking action to the media person Rani Rahab, in which he asked for an apology and compensation of NIS 180,000 “to be donated to a charity organization”.

In the letter Maoz claimed that on the December 23rd news broadcast of Channel 13, Rahav committed “horrific incitement and defamation” against him, according to him “using cynical and exploiting a captive audience of the channel’s viewers.”

In addition, Maoz claimed: “You added sin on top of the crime by accepting and attributing to the deputy minister actions that are harsh from the Holocaust, and you also chose live to spread horrific curses that are excessively harsh against Jews.”

The member of Knesset also claimed that “the verbal violence, incitement and slander did not stop there, and on December 25th, your words broadcast on Channel 13 were played again on the program of Yanon Magal and Ben Caspit on Radio 103FM.”

Maoz claimed that “even there you chose to take advantage of the captive audience of the program’s listeners to spread your horrifying message. The words of incitement, slander and slander continue and echo on the websites of the radio and the channel as well.”

In light of the above, Mouz requested that the media person publish an apology and retract his words, in the format in which his words were published and live. In addition, in his lawsuit, he requested compensation in the amount of 180,000 shekels which will be donated to an association/charity organization, all within five days.

Rahav wrote in response on Twitter: “There is no limit to insolence. You murdered and you inherited!”.

The CEO of the party Noam Elkana in Abed said in response: “The days are over when we will accept vile attacks and dangerous incitement with equanimity. Whoever incites – will pay!”.

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