Draghi-Salvini battle: “Enough spite”. Lega: “It’s not a blank proxy”

by time news

The climate in Palazzo Chigi in the last few days is more tense than usual. Since when Mario Draghi he took office as prime minister and gave way to a government of broad consensus and has spent much of his efforts mediating between the profoundly different political forces that make it up. The only party outside the Draghi government was the Brothers of Italy, with Giorgia Meloni which is committed to responsible opposition. In these tense hours in which the Brothers of Italy intend to file a motion of no confidence in Roberto Speranza, the role of the League is fundamental for the balance of this government.

The meeting between the Lega and Mario Draghi

In these hours Mario Draghi met a delegation of the Lega at Palazzo Chigi but, as he reports The messenger, “there would be no mention of the attacks on Roberto Speranza“. This is what some participants in the meeting reported, during which the representatives of the Northern League conferred with the Prime Minister, who underlined the importance of balance in a government of national unity, avoiding controversy and teasing. Absent (justified) Matteo Salvini, who having to attend the Palermo hearing for Open Arms next weekend flew to his sons in Milan. However, this morning he took stock with his delegates Giorgetti, Durigon, Romeo, Molinari and Bagnai.

Among the points addressed by the League with Mario Draghi there was certainly that of reopenings, for which the League has brought some proposals. These days there is insistence on the need to give breath to the country by safely restarting those activities that have had their shutters lowered for over a year. The absence of effective refreshments has contributed to weakening the economic fabric and, consequently, the social one of Italy, as demonstrated by the protests in the streets in recent days.

At the end of the meeting, the League underlined the “correctness of their actions (this is demonstrated by the limited number of amendments to the dl supports)“. However, sources of the League report that the delegates involved Mario Dragli of the”attacks, insults and daily provocations of the secretary, ministers and leaders of the Pd“.

The best refreshment is the reopening

For us, the best refreshment is to start with gradual reopening which does not mean that everyone is free. Let’s be inspired first of all by a principle of reasonableness and common sense and then we refer to the fact that in the decree it is foreseen that if the data allow it can be reopened“said the leader of the League in the Senate Maximilian Romeo. The Northern League then warned: “If the data is from the yellow zone in some Regions we do not understand why the restrictions cannot be relaxed a little. When these last a long time, people risk ignoring them“. Furthermore, the Northern League sponsors report that”we have had a guarantee that the next decree will certainly be substantial. And we got that it will be dedicated entirely to VAT numbers“.

There is satisfaction across the board in the League’s circles, also for the renewal of protocols for cultural and sporting events, given that the undersecretary Lucia Borgonzoni had been the first to accelerate to expand the capacity of theArena of Verona.

Il nodo del Recovery Plan

Another fundamental topic discussed with Mario Draghi is that of the Recovery Plan. At the end of the meeting, the leader of the League in the Chamber Riccardo Molinari he has declared: “On the Recovery we believe that the delegation to the government is not blank: we understand that the times are tight but we want to give indications, also on the proposals collected by the Regions“. Massimiliano Romeo then added:”We ask for investments but also to change the rules, review – but not cancel – the procurement code, adapt to European legislation, with rapid intervention without delegation laws or the times are too long“.

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