“Thrombosis kills 200,000 Italians a year but the problem is vaccines”

by time news

“I am disconcerted. Everyone talks, too much, and a huge confusion is creating. People are afraid of vaccines and this seems crazy to me. In Italy we have 600mila cases per year of strokes, heart attacks, embolisms and other episodes e 200 thousand die every year people but now the word ‘thrombosis’ seems to be linked only to this or that vaccine ”.

So the doctor Lidia Rota Vender, President of ALT Onlus (Association for the fight against thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases) comments on the alarm of recent days on the Johnson @ Jonhson and Astrazeneca vaccines.

“There is no real information on the risks and symptoms that really need to worry, but not only after having the vaccine, it is a speech that is valid in general in everyday life. I am overwhelmed by hundreds of emails from people asking me for advice, people who have had thrombosis or who are taking drugs and who are terrified of getting the Covid vaccine. The word ‘thrombosis’ has risen to prominence as an instrument of terror. But the reality is that the risk of suffering such harm after a vaccine is one in a million. Obviously each of us fears that we could be just that one case and the media bombardment does not help ”.

“The first thing they ask me is if they can do Astrazeneca or if it will kill them. I reply that all vaccines can carry side effects such as inappropriate activation of the coagulation system. I repeat, all vaccines. Not just the anti Covid ones. Like all drugs, they can have undesirable effects. Each person is obviously a case in itself and should be evaluated in this sense, especially if they have had an experience of thrombosis or suffer from a genetic problem. But one fact is fundamental: if you take Covid then the complication for thrombosis is over 25% of cases. But in that situation the hospital, the doctor, put in place all the necessary interventions.

What everyone can do is assess themselves and their risk factors. Those who already take anticoagulants are certainly already more protected, as well as those who take antiplatelet agents. But it is important to understand that the presence of some symptoms after getting a vaccine is normal. We talk to the doctor, we evaluate, it makes no sense to be alarmed by a slight headache or localized swelling ”concludes Rota Vender.

Just next April 21 is celebrated the 10th National Day for the Fight against Thrombosis. For the occasion, ALT Onlus – which for over thirty years has been at the forefront of raising awareness among the population about risk factors, symptoms and consequences of thrombosis and the measures necessary to avoid it- tells and collects the stories of those who have suffered events of this type.

The goal is to explain in simple and understandable language to everyone that thrombosis is due know, you can to recognize and the and avoid. Symptoms of a thrombosis depend on theorgan that Thrombosis affects.

If the thrombus forms in a vein in a leg or a bI tell swelling, pain, redness, sometimes cramps appear that do not go away. If the thrombus forms in a vein of the brain a headache never had before, very strong, with the feeling of having a full head, which does not go with a pain reliever.

If the thrombus forms in a ‘arteria it will prevent oxygen from reaching the cells that suffer and die. Symptoms are as severe as the larger the artery obstructed by thrombus and how much more important they are cells that are left without oxygen: a thrombus that obstructs the flow of blood in an artery of the brain it takes away oxygen and life from neurons that control fundamental functions such as the llanguage, movement, sensitivity, which are therefore lost. If the thrombus forms in a ‘coronary artery kills part of the heart, cells die, pain like one appears sword piercing the chest, which can radiate to the arm or back or jaw, the breath becomes short, the heart loses its efficiency, moves in a non-rhythmic way and all the cells of the body suffer because the heart pump is malfunctioning and the blood in the periphery it does not arrive.

If the thrombus forms in a vein and free fragments these travel in the blood and arrive at the lung causing pulmonary embolism: the breath becomes short, streaks of blood appear in the phlegm, a sharp pain occurs in the back, the forehead sweats, the feeling of fainting gets closer and closer.

The 10th National Day for the Fight against Thrombosis is an entirely digital edition: everyone is invited to participate by sending their story to [email protected], told with a short text of 20 lines, or with a short three-minute audio or video. Your stories will be published on the website http://www.giornatatrombosi.it/. Updates and information will be available on ALT’s website and on the Facebook and Instagram social channels.

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