The inauguration of the house for the ‘Torah Center’ and the introduction of two new Torah scrolls in Moscow • Documentation

by time news

Moscow was privileged to experience a chain of magnificent and exciting events that are all ‘Torah’ during the days of Hanukkah, along with the large and extensive activity, starting with the lighting of the Hanukkah candles near the Kremlin walls in the center of the Russian capital, to the distribution of thirty-five thousand (!) siddurs translated into Russian, in luxurious holiday kits, who came directly to Jewish families throughout the capital, through all the Chabad house branches in the city and direct distribution of the messengers, who passed through hundreds of homes every evening, to light candles with the families and bring them the joy of the holiday.

The highlight was on the night ‘This is Hanukkah’, at the dedication of the house of the “Moscow Torah Center”, after a large investment of time and resources, to establish a magnificent center that is all Torah!

The center is designed for every Jew, of any age and in any situation, and it includes a large Torah hall, classrooms, a Torah library, halls for Torah lectures, a coffee room and light refreshments – a center that operates 24 hours a day, led by the apostle Rabbi Menachem Mendel Wilensky, the son-in-law of the center’s founder The Chief Rabbi of Russia, the Gaon Rabbi Berel Lazar Shalita, who was honored to bear the main burden at the opening celebration held with the participation of rabbis, lesson teachers, donors, friends and a large crowd.

A magnificent menorah made of silver and gold, was awarded to the main donor Governor Mr. Nachshon Nachshonov, and a set of silver ‘Lachiim’ was awarded to his partner Governor Rabbi Yehuda Davidov.

The event, led by the director of the community, Rabbi Mordechai Weisberg, continued with the setting of the mezuzah at the entrances of the various halls and rooms, and ended with a Hasidic gathering, in which the various programs were presented, and the many possibilities for studies, starting from the study of Gemara, Halacha and Hasidism, to deep Hasidic issues and articles, which in light of the large number of books translated into Russian , who see the light of the New Testament in the mornings, in a quantity and quality that we did not know until this period – there is a possibility and an obligation for every Jew to come and invest in the study of the Torah, Halacha and Hasidism.

Other exciting positions were the introduction of two new and elegant Torah scrolls; The first was placed in the first candle of Hanukkah, in the hall of the main synagogue “Marina Roscha” – donation of the Chaturov family; And the second was placed in the fifth candle, into the Chabad house on the historic Arbat pedestrian street, presided over by the local rabbi, the apostle Rabbi Jacob Halevi Klein – donated by the governor Mr. Dan Galkin.

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