A children’s bus was hit in an accident near the Letron interchange, a girl was seriously injured and 39 were slightly injured

by time news

A 10-year-old girl was seriously injured this morning (Tuesday) and 39 others were slightly injured in a car accident that occurred between a bus and a truck on Route 1 at the Letron interchange.

In the serious accident, 40 of the bus passengers were injured, including 10-year-old children, residents of Ibn Yehuda, accompanying parents, teachers, the bus driver and the truck driver. MDA medics and paramedics provided medical treatment to the seriously injured girl and the other injured, who were evacuated to Shamir-Assaf Harofeh, Sha’are Zedek and Hadassah Ein Kerem hospitals.

14 injured from the accident were evacuated to the trauma unit at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, including 11 children, a 50-year-old man, a 33-year-old woman and a 17-year-old boy – all in a minor condition.

Following the accident, road 1 was closed to traffic, which opened a little after an hour.

MDA emergency medic Idan Liebman, who was the first to arrive at the scene of the serious accident, said: “I saw a bus that had been hit by a truck and its front part was crushed inward and I immediately understood that it was a bus transporting children. The bus driver and the guide gave first aid to the unconscious girl who was sitting in one of the front seats.

I instructed the accompanying parents to take the rest of the children off the bus to a safe place, I sent a report to the MDA center about the number of casualties and their condition and gave the girl who suffered from a severe multi-system injury first aid that included dressings, immobilization and giving oxygen. We quickly transferred her to the MDA intensive care vehicle which arrived first to the scene and she was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. The additional large MDA forces provided medical treatment to 40 of the bus passengers and the truck driver who were slightly injured and they were taken to the hospitals in stable condition.”

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