After his offbeat vows in song, MP Karl Olive assumes: “It’s not now that I’m going to be changed”

by time news

The year 2023 is off to a very strong start for Karl Olive. At a time when the entire political class is looking for the right tone for its traditional wishes, the deputy (Together) of Yvelines and former mayor of Poissy has undoubtedly put everyone in agreement in the “originality” category.

In a video of more than 4 minutes posted at the start of the new year, the 53-year-old elected representative recounts in song his daily life as a deputy and the atmosphere which reigns on the benches of the National Assembly. All this to a melody by Michel Delpech, with neat verses and rhymes. On arrival, more than 300,000 views this Tuesday and countless reactions: compliments on his tone of voice, but also much less sweet words.

“It worked well,” he laughs from Israel, where he is currently traveling with a parliamentary delegation. The former mayor of Poissy, however, denies having wanted to make a “coup”. It is rather the natural that comes back at a gallop. “I have two passions and everyone knows them,” he says. It’s football and song.

A “lover” of the French variety

Not enough to surprise the regular followers of the former journalist, used to giving voice on his various social networks. During the first confinement, we already discovered him driving his car for a few daily verses addressed “live” to its inhabitants. “Since 2014, I have also sung at all the alumni banquets,” he recalls. I am in love with French song, and in love with Michel Delpech. »

His words, Karl Olive wrote them “in an hour”. The elected representative of Yvelines assures him, “there is no ulterior motive, no calculation behind that”, but only a desire “to bring a little oxygen and lightness in moments which are conducive to this”.

The deputy first evokes his new function: “You still have to get used to it, it makes me feel strange to be a deputy, but it doesn’t matter, I’ll get used to it”. Cold, he explains that he “simply wanted to tell that it is not easy to go from mayor to deputy, but that once you are there, it is exciting”. The couplet continues in the second person: “if you saw our bills, the Assembly is Koh-Lanta, the whole hemicycle wants its totem”.

“If we had to do things according to what people think, we wouldn’t make much progress”

Then he addresses with a common tackle the left and the right who “talk about the country, but the interest is their party”, and continues with a destabilizing dribble about 49.3 that “Elisabeth can draw” even if “we don’t want to come to that”. It took less to trigger a shower of criticism.

But once again, Karl Olive assumes: “When you take this type of initiative, you necessarily expose yourself. I did it because I’m like that and it’s not now that they’re going to change me. Critics, I have no difficulty with that and I have no lesson to receive. If we had to do things according to what people think, we wouldn’t make much progress. »

It will therefore take more to prevent Karl Olive from singing. The deputy also intends to honor his annual meeting with the elderly of Poissy for a small private concert at the end of the month.

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