Hebrew News – Courtney Kardashian recommends Thanksgiving gifts and wins attack

by time news

Courtney Kardashian recommends Thanksgiving gifts and wins the attack

The thrash and newly engaged star recently recommended in a festive post on her personal Instagram page luxury gifts for Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays, but Courtney’s millions of followers did not really appreciate the recommendation and even sharply criticized it

The holiday season is already here, when Thanksgiving is just a small stop on the way to the festive Christmas. The big stars seem to be waiting for the festivities themselves, when they do not miss an opportunity to take advantage of the stage and promote its products. This is exactly what trash star Courtney Kardashian did recently.

Recently, Courtney posted on her personal Instagram page, where she wrote a list of recommended holiday gifts, to which she also recruited her sisters who recommended various products. So what’s on the list? A blanket for $ 500, a vase for $ 600, a kitchen compressor for $ 700, and more. In other words, a list for the rich only.

The thrash star’s devoted followers and even all over the net, got upset pretty quickly and called on Courtney to remove the list for the reason that it is only for the rich. “Who buys a blanket for $ 500?”

Courtney of course did not respond to comments and criticism, and continued to broadcast business as usual on her Instagram page, where she is reportedly particularly busy raising her children, and planning her wedding, which is expected to happen in the coming months, after her partner Travis Barker knelt just a few weeks ago.

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