Force Ouvrière calls for an “unlimited strike” from January 10

by time news

The mobilization of nursing staff is underway. The second hospital public service union, FO-Santé, called Thursday for an “unlimited strike” from January 10, denouncing the “extremely degraded situation” in the sector and the “inaction” of the government.

After the liberal doctors, the hospital’s turn to go on strike. Against “unacceptable working conditions” and “the endangerment of a number of patients and exhausted hospital workers”, FO-Santé indicates in a press release that it has filed an “unlimited strike notice” which “will take effect from Tuesday January 10 at midnight.

Yet a signatory of the “Ségur de la santé” in 2020, the union – comforted by its second place in the December elections – calls for “a radical change in health policy” and blames “the inertia of the government” which “did not than accelerating bed and service closures.

As a remedy for the “overwhelmed emergency services”, the “recurring lack of doctors” or even the “great suffering” of psychiatry – among other grievances – FO-Santé claims “200,000 recruitments in the health sectors, social and medico-social”.

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