Stellantis, no plans to downsize Melfi

by time news – The management of Stellantis “stated that they have no intention of reducing production capacity throughout the country and in Melfi but rather imagine actions aimed at facing the sharp decline in market demand. However, it has not dispelled all our doubts and fears. , which we will deepen in future meetings both at local and national level “. This is what the unions Fim, Fiom, Uilm, Fismic, Uglm, Aqcfr affirm at the end of the meeting held in Turin. The confrontation, the union note reads, “will continue in the coming months, starting from the end of May”.

Despite Stellantis’ assurances that there is no downsizing of production capacity of the Italian factories, and therefore not even of Melfi, the unions do not hide a certain unease. The words of the management, reads a trade union note, “did not dispel all our doubts and fears, which we will deepen in future discussions both locally and nationally”.

As a trade union, say Fim, Fiom, Uilm, Fismic, Uglm, Aqcfr, we will continue the discussion and in the meantime we ask for a transparent and constant dialogue in the factories and we will be committed in the coming days to inform workers.

According to what reported by the unions, “the union request was, for all the Italian realities and in particular from the concerns about Melfi, to cease the unilateral management we are witnessing in recent weeks, to avoid the downsizing of production capacities or operations that produce unacceptable employment impacts also in the related industries a comparison on the industrial plan in force and on the new strategies given the difficult situation of the whole sector. The same constant confrontation must be held in the workplace, so that cost recoveries do not have negative impacts on workers “.

The company management “reiterated that the implementation of the industrial plan presented two years ago is underway and has expressed its willingness to share the new plan as it takes shape. It also stated that it has no intention of reducing production capacity at all. the country and in Melfi but rather imagines actions aimed at facing the sharp decline in market demand “.


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