“Waiting to steal her focus”: Lehia Griner on Avivit’s engagement

by time news

Big Brother star Avivit Bar Zohar Got engaged last night (Monday) to Behir Liva, Kevin is French. The two went on vacation in Morocco and during dinner he surprised her when he entered with a white horse like a knight from fairy tales, got down on one knee and proposed to her with a particularly luxurious ring. Today (Wednesday) on the morning show of Dror Raphael and Erez Kleiman on Radio 90FM, the two surprised the former nemesis, Lihi Greener. As you remember, Bar Zohar came to Griner’s wedding with a new partner and attracted all the attention. The nervous Greener decided to make a fuss out of it, because who takes the bride’s attention and kicked her out of the wedding.

Lehia Griner reacts to the engagement of Avivit Bar Zohar (courtesy of Radio 90FM)

We didn’t just call today.
“Today is one of the most exciting days, last night even more so, the proposal on Avivit’s white horse. How did she get a prince on a white horse like that, the king of her dreams. It just happened, she wanted to be like a princess, it fucking happened.”

It’s fun that you cheer though.
“Of course I’m cheering, I’m already waiting for Avivit’s wedding to steal the focus from her. It’s just that, I won’t do it.”

Although it crossed your mind.
“They wrote to me in my inbox: ‘Leahia, Avivit got engaged and you stole all the focus from her.'”

Did she inform you that this was going to happen?
“No, you exaggerated.”

Avivit Bar Zohar is engaged (photo: Instagram screenshot)

You invite me to the wedding.
“I imagine so. I think I’m one of the only girls who sends her messages and in a relationship with her. She doesn’t have too many girlfriends. Yeah, what is it, if she doesn’t invite me I’ll sue her.”

Yes, as you are used to.
“What is it like I’m used to? She’s used to it. I never sued, they only sued me.”

Do you know what to wear?
“Look, I’ll probably launch a new shaper. Maybe I’ll come with a good corset on the dress.”

Did you write her something?
“Of course, Amala, of course. I told her I was so excited and full of good luck and success. She wants a family.”

What did she answer you? let me?
“Neither read nor responded. She will get to it, everything is fine.”

What is difficult to answer?
“Look, this ring is very heavy and it’s a bit hard to pick up the phone right now.”

Maybe you’ll be a little angry with her? something?
“Don’t you think it’s Avivit’s time already? She deserves it. She’s a good woman. Enough already, in the end there’s a man here who appreciates and respects her.”

Does he suit her?
“Yes. He understands her and can accommodate her, I think they get along well.”

Lehia Griner and Avivit Bar Zohar (Photo: Easy Life Diet)Lehia Griner and Avivit Bar Zohar (Photo: Easy Life Diet)

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