Stress in small doses (like a little physical activity) is good for all ages –

by time news
Of Daniel of Diodorus

Studies show that physically active seniors throughout their lives are better protected against muscle decline and cognitive impairment as they get older

A little stress is definitely better than no stress. In the light of recent research the myth of the peaceful well-being of those who try in every way to escape commitments, comparisons and contrasts seems to be waning. As long as stress doesn’t become chronic, or of such an intensity as to overwhelm the body’s resources, when then it really makes its negative effects felt. The exposure to
limited levels of stress turns out instead protective be on a physical level both against the risk of developing cognitive impairment, and probably also has a stimulating effect on immune function. So it would be advisable to maintain exposure to some stress even as you move into old age. Indeed, the “flight or fight” response, activated by acute stressful situations, is essential for survival.

Moderate doses

Short-term stress is usually triggered by a demanding task e the chances of success depend precisely on the ability to activate the psychophysiological system of stress. When faced with the task, there is a need for psychic and often physical arousal. An example is that of parents with young children. It is a moderate dose of stress that makes them attentive and capable parents. And it’s still u
already moderate dose of stress to improve the performance of those who have to face an exam or a test
. Studies conducted on mice they proved that not too intense stress improves cognitive functions, probably also through mechanisms of increased neurogenesis – formation of new synapses and perhaps also of new neurons – in specific areas of the hippocampus, a small but very important brain structure for memory and cognitive functions in general. An effect that can also be attributed to that mild form of stress for the organism which is thephysical activitycapable of simultaneously improving psychic and physical functions

Active for life

A research published in the Journal of Physiology recently showed how elderly people that they have been very active
physically for life they have one better psychophysical resistance and in fact postpone the decay due to the progress of age by several years.
«The most important message coming from the research is that too a small amount of exercise has a long-lasting effect in protecting against age-related muscle decline – said Firdaus Dhabhar, professor of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences of the University of Miami, where he studies the relationship between stress and tumors.

January 4, 2023 (change January 4, 2023 | 09:10)

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