Artisans, TPE: Macron asks energy suppliers to “renegotiate” “excessive contracts” in January

by time news

He wants to be reassuring. Emmanuel Macron spoke, this Thursday noon, to bakers and, more broadly, to all entrepreneurs affected by the energy crisis, on the occasion of the Epiphany cake ceremony.

Recalling that these price increases were linked “first to the war” but also to the fact that France had not “produced as much electricity with its nuclear fleet” as expected, the Head of State estimated that two-thirds of VSEs (very small businesses) had to renegotiate their energy contracts.

A green number from Monday

“Some have negotiated contracts that increase in reasonable proportions. But there are others who have had x5 or x10 and this is not normal, it is abusive and aberrant”, he hammered. He therefore called on suppliers to “renegotiate” “excessive contracts” in January.

“For our butchers, our craftsmen, for all of our very small businesses, all those who have negotiated excessive contracts (..) what we are going to ask energy suppliers from now on is to return towards each (of them) and to renegotiate them”, continued the Head of State, declaring to have “enough” of those who make “excessive profits” in this period of crisis.

Emmanuel Macron also recalled that the State would bear “40% of the increase” in energy prices. “These increases must be reasonable, they must be absorbed by everyone”. Although he acknowledged that the toll-free number dedicated to the rise in energy prices was not working, the President of the Republic announced that numbers by department will be relayed “from Monday”.

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