Donations needed: Why 2023 will also be difficult for Arche Noah Graz

by time news

Towards the end of last year, the animal shelter Arche Noah in Graz received a few more donations, so that they could save themselves for the new year for the time being. The situation shouldn’t be easy this year either, as learns from an ex-member and from Noah’s Ark itself.

GRAZ. A new year always brings with it the hope of a fresh start. The Graz Arche Noah should also wish for that. Recently shaken by internal quarrels and massive financial problems ( reported), one is now happy to leave 2022 behind. Yes it can troubled shelter really hoping for a positive 2023?

Ex-auditor on finances of Noah’s Ark

above 300,000 euros in missing donations they lamented in Noah’s Ark before Christmas. Criticism in this regard comes, as so often, from a former member who was expelled last autumn. “These 300,000 have been around since 2018,” says Gabriele Richter. She was the auditor of Noah’s Ark for five years and doesn’t think it’s fair to put poor animals up for donations. About this missing sum have been complaining for a long time, but there are definitely ways to get money: “One simply fails to use small sources of money and to do something themselves, such as implementing punch stands or other ideas,” says Richter. However, her suggestions were neither listened to nor willing to talk, as she criticized after her exclusion.

The former auditor of Noah's Ark Gabriele Richter (here with the dog Frizzi) would like the animals to be the focus of all debates again.  Her suggestions to collect donations were not accepted by the board.

Financial situation “stable” despite lack of donations

On the other hand, one is unimpressed by the criticism. As Arche Noah confirmed when asked by, the 300,000 euros in donations are still missing. “We’ll still be carrying them with us in 2023,” says Catherine Gruendl from Active Animal Welfare Austria. “The financial situation is still stable and the amount of donations was very good over the Christmas period”. You have one again two-year contract with the country signed to secure the base of the shelter. However, this does not cover costs because it does not cover things such as medical care.

Katharina Gründl from the Grazer Arche Noah:

This is how the Grazer Arche Noah wants to collect donations

Contrary to the allegations, however, one plans very well measures and actionsto stay afloat financially. “What we think of is a flea market or a summer festival, there have already been mulled wine stands in the past,” says Gründl. “After the difficult last year, more fundraising campaigns and networking with other animal welfare organizations are planned again.” You keep fighting for one Conversion to improve housing conditions. “In particular, the outside area for the dogs needs to be renewed, and larger cages and rooms should also be created for the cats,” says Gründl.

More on the topic:

Grazer Arche Noah throws out more than 20 members

Grazer Arche Noah is “miserable” because there are no donations

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