Madame has second thoughts and decides to complete the vaccinations

by time news – “I continue and will continue to complete all those necessary for me and useful for others”. The singer writes it Madame, on her Instagram profilereferring to vaccines. The artist would be involved in an investigation by the Vicenza prosecutor’s office into false vaccinations against covid and she will be competing in Sanremo.

Madame, in a long post explains her position also due to the fact that she was “born and raised in a family that for various reasons began to doubt doctors and traditional medicine” and after learning that she was being investigated she said she had choice to “gather up courage and make my last move”.

“After a long chat with an infectious disease doctor – the artist continues – and a review of my last visits, he prescribes me a series of vaccinations that he deems essential. I explain all my doubts to him, he patiently welcomes them. He gives me the contact of his colleagues at the vaccination center and I will continue and will continue to complete all those necessary for me and useful for others. Thank you doctor”.

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