Ministry of Health to hospitals: do not perform a “French caesarean” operation

by time news

“accompanied by a high rate of complications”: “French caesarean” surgery has become popular in recent years, since the incision is made on the sides of the abdomen and not in the center, so the scar is less noticeable as in other surgeries. This evening (Saturday night) the Ministry of Health ordered all hospitals throughout the country to stop performing this operation, fearing that the operation is accompanied by higher complication rates than other routine operations.

Photo: Ministry of Health

“to suspend the performance of surgery in all hospitals”

In a letter sent on behalf of the head of the medical division, Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, to all hospitals, it is written that “It was brought to my attention that in some hospitals the operation called ‘French caesarean section’ is performed, there is concern that the operation is accompanied by a higher rate of complications than the routine operation. As a result, I am directing the suspension of the surgery in all hospitals. The National Council for Gynecology, Neonatology and Genetics will hold a discussion on the issue in the coming weeks, and after receiving the council’s recommendations, I will update if the directive has been changed.”

Photo: shutterstock

She further added that “in some hospitals, a deliberate unique rate is charged for the performance of the operation, which apparently is not in the basket of services approved by law. Therefore, in the coming weeks, a French caesarean section will be examined against the routine operation and the possibility of receiving a different rate.”

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