“Do you make a lot of money?” : the writing of “Papotin” without filter against Emmanuel Macron

by time news

We had left them with Julien Doré. And after having interviewed Gilles Lellouche and Camille Cottin, under the eye of the cameras of France 2. This Saturday, the editorial staff of “Papotin” met Emmanuel Macron. An exercise to which the predecessors of the President of the Republic lent themselves willingly, during or after their mandate.

And the Head of State complied with it without concern. Immediately welcoming all of this editorial staff made up of journalists affected by autism. Carefree familiarity with those who ask him. Responding above all to the straightforward questions posed by these atypical reporters. Thus, if the first concerned Nemo, his dog, the second was… on the money. “Do you make a lot of money? “, thus questioned one of the journalists.

“It depends on what you call a lot of money,” said Emmanuel Macron. To tell you the truth, I had more before I was president. Now I have a lot less! Insufficient answer for his interlocutor, not hesitating to raise it again. And the guest to explain: “Compared to the average, yes. Compared to those who decide in business, no. »

“My wife had three children when I met and married her. So I took them with

The “Papotins” did not hesitate either to seek the president on his color of politics. “I am more of a supporter of France and Europe, he defended. There are right-wing ideas that I believe in and that I defend, there are left-wing ideas that I believe in and that I defend, and it’s not incompatible. Another important subject: the war in Ukraine and Franco-Russian relations. Especially the personality of Vladimir Putin. “When you meet him like that, he is not unpleasant. This is the paradox, he said. There is nothing that justifies going to war. »

And then there are the more personal matters. Friends as president? “It’s not the best job to have a lot. ” Family ? “I already have three children and seven grandchildren, he said, before explaining: My wife had three children when I met and married her. So I took them with. »

Precisely, in front of him, Adrien had a very personal question. That he preferred to write and give Emmanuel Macron to read: “He is the president, he must lead by example and not marry his teacher. “” When you are in love, you do not choose, he retorted, before making a clarification, not without an embarrassed smile and the laughter of his neighbors. She wasn’t my teacher, she was my theater teacher. It is not the same… “

“You took me to places where I hadn’t been in other interviews”

However, we had to respond. Including on the day he introduced his parents to the one who will be his wife, Brigitte Macron. A daughter-in-law “poorly received” first by the Amiens family. What he could understand. “You imagine for your children a pattern of life that is yours or that of a certain norm. So when something happens that doesn’t fit your pattern, you’re not necessarily comfortable, he said. And your parents are worried about you. Me, it redoubled my desire to follow my path. »

Nevertheless, he assures him, all that is behind him. Although he admits to being discreet about his relations with them. “I don’t talk about it often but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about them,” he said, moved. All this before admitting that he had twice failed the entrance exam to the École Normale Supérieure because of… his feelings. “I was too in love to be serious,” he laughed before concluding an interview like no other, but above all far, very far from being incomplete. “I had the feeling that it was free, he assured. You took me to places where I hadn’t been in other interviews, with other journalists. A successful exercise for the “Papotin”.

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