Against the pension reform, Philippe Martinez promises “strong mobilizations”

by time news

The secretary general of the CGT reiterated on France Inter his opposition to the government’s project. The unions will meet next Tuesday to set the date for the mobilization.

Aware that a pension reform is necessary, Philippe Martinez, the general secretary of the CGT reaffirms his opposition to “cwhat the government is proposing». «Making employees work longer doesn’t solve anything at all“, insists on France Inter this Saturday the trade unionist who recalls that”it is the eighth reform since 1993 and the 8 propose the same thing: work longer or contribute longer“. Philippe Martinez claims, meanwhile, an increase in contributions and their duration.

Rejoicing that, for once, all the unions, including the reformist CFDT, are opposed to the pension reform wanted by the government, Philippe Martinez promises to “strong mobilizationsif the executive does not review his copy. The date of the demonstrations will be announced a priori on Tuesday January 10, the day when the unions will meet at the Bourse du Travail, in Paris, but also when the government’s pension reform will be presented, as Emmanuel Macron announced on December 12.

According to a report by the Pensions Orientation Council unveiled last September, the pension system should show a surplus of 3.2 billion euros for 2022 but should fall into a deficit in 2023. Its return to balance remains projected “mid 2030sin the best of scenarios. Current projections are for an annual deficit of €10 billion per year by 2030.” 10 billion out of 330, we are in the red but it is not a chasm!judge Philippe Martinez.I know private companies more indebted than that and which continue to receive public money».

Philippe Martinez, at the head of the CGT since 2015, will leave his post at the end of March, during the 53e plant congress, to be held in Clermont-Ferrand. ” I am offered to leave the company and go on unemploymentdenounces the trade unionist who is a metallurgical technician at Renault.In large companies, part of the aid paid by the State is used to fire people“, he accused.

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