Israeli pride: get to know the development for measuring heart rhythm disorders

by time news

Rani Lifshitz, chairman of Merhavia, said: “For years, Merhavia has believed in the foundation of excellent human capital and the unique technology developed at Cardiaxance and in the long-awaited achievement of receiving FDA approval. This is a very significant move which, in addition to the implementation of existing distribution agreements, will allow Cardiaxens to promote strategic moves against the leading players in the world and will increase the value of the company.

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Eldad Shemesh, CEO of Cardiacense said: “Cardiacense already has orders for hundreds of thousands of watches in the amount of about 100 million dollars which will be spread over the next four years. The company recently signed a memorandum of understanding for the development of a chip based on the company’s technology, which will form the basis of many medical products of the world’s largest manufacturers. Cardiacense will soon start selling its watch throughout Europe, South America, Africa and Asia, after receiving 4 CE certifications and is expected to receive 2 more certifications during the first quarter of 2023. These additional certifications will place the company at the forefront of diagnostic and medical monitoring watches, as a company with the number of certifications The most regulators. Cardiaxance’s groundbreaking and life-saving solution has a market potential estimated at billions of dollars per year. FDA approval is a huge step in the company’s growth and will enable a strong entry into the American market.”

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