How to fight against demotivation?

by time news
Envy and motivation are two very different concepts. pinel

PSYCHOLOGY – Being demotivated is not a lack of will, but rather of strategies. However, there are tools to successfully achieve those of our objectives that would prove to be particularly difficult.

It’s like a languor that sometimes sets in. Getting to the gym? It’s cold and you’re tired. Sort through the papers of the past year? It can wait a little longer. Make that photo album promised to grandparents months ago? Yes, but the last season of The Crown stretches out its arms to you… You don’t have “don’t want”you are not “not motivated”you sigh.

And this is where the shoe pinches: desire and motivation are two very different concepts. “The first is more of an emotional registerexplains Yves-Alexandre Thalmann, professor of psychology and author of Motivations (humanSciences). For example, you pass in front of an ice cream parlor and give free rein to your desire for an ice cream. On the contrary, “motivation comes under the cognitive register. It is the decision to engage in action in order to achieve a goal, not some mysterious energy that falls on us.” So how to relaunch the movement when you can no longer do it, and what reasons to act make…

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