Carmel Medical Center: performed a rare operation to transplant cartilage cells in a diseased knee – here Israel | Kanisrael | It’s pleasant here

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The Director of the Orthopedic Clinic in Carmel, Dr. Benny Bernfeld: “We strongly believe in the innovative Autocart method and we believe that maybe this is where the solution and the answer to the cartilage transplant problem will finally come. The innovative procedure, which was done for the first time in Carmel, is suitable for the treatment of local cartilage injuries that are usually caused after sports accidents” ◄ A week after the procedure, the patient said: “Very satisfied with the results, no pain at all and I would do the procedure again.

Dr. Bernfeld and his team, Carmel Medical Center

Carmel Orthopedia of the ‘Carmel Medical Center’ named after Lady Davis, presents today (Sunday, 15th of the 19th of the 19th century); Innovation above and beyond for the first time, performed a rare operation for ‘transplantation of cartilage cells in a patient’s knee’. That’s backInnovative technology, ‘healthy cartilage cells’ that underwent a special process and treatment were extracted from the patient and they were injected back into his knee, the day after the treatment, the patient was already released, smiling all the way home.

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it’s aboutA rare surgery To’Cartilage transplantationIn innovative technology. held for the first time inCarmel Hospital located inEstate neighborhood in the city Haifa and belongs toClalit Health Services‘.

According to the manager of theThe orthopedic department in Carmel Doctor Benny Branfeldwhich the patient found in his treatment, participated in surgery BAutocart method‘ said; “this First time in which it is performed bA public hospital in the state Israel.

We are happy inCarmel Medical Centerto be inYou came forward Godinnovation And thetechnologies The leading bworld And this is for the benefit of thePatients our”.

Godsachus (cartilage) is known to be used Connective tissue covering the the joints of the bodyincluding theknee. The role of thecartilage is to create Smooth surface across thejointto prevent friction, to do Lubrication (Bobby pin, Lubrication of surfaces in a material layer Bobby pin for the purpose reducing friction) of the joint andto absorb shocks.

It should be noted that Lcartilagethere is limitations significant; Lack in supply blood, lymphatic drainage andNervousness. so, in Tocartilage Ability to self-correct.

The special and innovative procedure that was done for the first time bCarmel Medical Centermainly suitable forcare BLocal injuries Bcartilage usually caused after Sports accidentsif the patient is suitable and has it Regional damage which is located in the area of Carrying Weight.

Or then we do MRI scanto have theinformation The most accurate on hInjury, damage And then it is done Arthroscopy (minimally invasive surgery) in foreign language: Arthroscopyis also called; Arthroscopic surgery) which is a minimally invasive surgery of joint.

doctor Orthopedic specialist BOrthopedic department B’Carmel“Dr” Eyal Gansinwho participated in the execution of theSurgeryexplains that “during theArthroscopywe carry out the entire procedure and procedure fromwithout opening are youknee rule”..

“In surgery, we go inside thekneetaking Pieces of cartilage in the lungs of thetreatedpump the material Godcartilaginous in a special systemcrossconnect the the healthy cartilage parts with special material and50 CC blood of the patient

All this, put inCentrifuge With special glue And at the end of the process we return thecocktail The renewed toknee of thetreatedafter the area is clean and dry we are contagious the material in place.

We expect that whatgrowth of the compound material introduced, will increase later vital cartilage“Add Dr. Ganesin.

Dr. Gansin; “During arthroscopy, we perform the entire procedure without opening the knee at all”

This is a patient Suaeed Mo’taz son 26a resident Sakhninwhich arrived atOrthopedic department B’Carmel‘ Following pains strong bkneeafter the sabotage And he is thepatient who was chosen for the surgery and the innovative treatment after he passed Compatibility tests and met the strict criteria.

The manager ofThe orthopedic department in Carmel Doctor Bernfeld, clarifies that; “Unfortunately, it has not yet been found in the world so far method a good one forRegeneration of cartilage cells.

Dr. Benny Branfeld and the department's staff during the operation when the cartilage cell transplant material is ready for treatment  Photo: Michal Kleinberg Barracks in Yah Carmel |  Photo processing: Shuli Songo ©
Dr. Bernfeld and the team

To see, as of today, there is Hundreds of methods ToCartilage transplantWhich means thatthere is not yet method A proven good one. Therefore, we are together with all theorthopedists andexperts Many all over the world, searching all the time methods and news from the field.

We strongly believe inAutocart methodthe innovator and we believe that maybe from there will finally come theMazor And the answer toTransplantation problem Godcartilage“.

“The special and innovative procedure that was done for the first time inCarmelmainly suitable for the treatment ofLocal injuries Bcartilage which are usually caused after Sports accidents.

If theA suitable patient And he has Regional damage which is located inArea of Carrying Weight So we do MRI scanto have theinformation The most accurate on hInjury, damage Then it is done Arthroscopy (minimally invasive surgery).

“during theArthroscopywe perform the entire procedure without opening the knee at all,” explains Dr. Eyal Gansina doctor Orthopedic specialist In the department that participated in the execution of theSurgery.

spokesman Carmel Medical CenterMr Eli DadonA message to the portal This is Israel | It’s pleasant here | The local news site of the entire country Because; The surgery and the special treatment were done in collaboration with Arthrex, which owns the special technology.

The special procedure of The cartilage graft has already been carried out to date in9,000 cases Worldwide and as mentioned – performed first In Israel in a hospital publicBCarmel Medical Center.

“GodStudies that have so far, shown that within six months If you enter and look, you don’t see thedamage. It’s really Builds quality cartilage As it was,” informed Dr. Paddy HazanLieutenant The director of the orthopedic department.

Suaeed Mo’tazGodsickhas already been released the following day GodSurgery to his house, in the inspection that was done with him in department BCarmel.

A week after the procedure, he said Suaedbecause he very pleased from the results, no pain at all And he would do the process again, without hesitation at all.

the doctor Bernfeldupdates that in approxSix monthsthe patient found in the treatment of SuaedToAudit including MRIto make sure thatcartilage The newly implanted one functions ashealthy cartilage for everything

“I am proud of the achievements of our department inCarmel And happy to be with her in the lead and in the income technologies One of the leaders in the world, I believe in the teamDoctors And theexperts Ours and our special nursing team atCarmel“Providing dedicated and professional care to each and every patient”. The manager concludedThe orthopedic department in Carmel Dr. Bernfeld.

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