Draghi bets on Italy’s growth and takes a ‘reasoned risk’

by time news

Time.news – The government takes “a reasoned risk” and from 26 April the yellow zones start again. All schools will be open in presence in the yellow and orange areas and outdoor catering will be possible. The precautions remain and the curfew from 10pm. There remains the limit of 50% for the capacity in public transport.

It will be possible to move between yellow regions while you will need a pass for regions of different colorsis. Activities in the pool will resume from 15 May. From the 1st of June the gyms. Fairs from 1 July.

The vaccination campaign is going well and there is no collapse of Italians’ confidence in Astrazeneca. These, in summary, are the news for the reopening, listed by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.

On the economy Draghi defines “prudential and cautious “the estimates of the Def, because they are “made by serious people and do not take into account reforms, including those of the tax authorities, public administration and civil justice”.

The increase in public debt to 159% of GDP is made “legitimate” by the pandemic and “the decrease in debt will take place without compromising the economies”. The deficit / GDP ratio will also return to 3% only in 2025.

Draghi bets on Italy’s growth: “There will be a strong and certain rebound in the coming months, then Italy will have to go back to growing more than what has been done in recent years. Sustainable growth will be the criterion for measuring debt sustainability “.

How will Italy grow again? The Recovery Plan will bring 221.5 billion euros, of which 69 are non-repayable. 57 commissioners have already been appointed for 57 works. There will be money for the high-speed rail from Salerno to Reggio Calabria. The recovery plan will be “accompanied by simplifications”.

With the support dl “2 billion were already assigned in the first week”. For aid, Draghi prefers the calculation of profit and taxable income rather than just turnover. Alitalia has had many subsidies. “Reforms are needed to sustain itself and fly with its wings“.

On Autostrade “the negotiation is open” since the days of the previous government and Draghi is silent. There is no open Stellantis dossier. The atmosphere in the majority and in the Council of Ministers is “excellent. There is no need for calls for unity”.

Draghi stresses that the criticisms of the Minister of Health Speranza are “unfounded and unjustified. It annoys me to repeat it in his presence”. The Senate motion to grant Italian citizenship to Zaki is “a parliamentary initiative. The government is not involved”.


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